Easy Task {ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴛᴀʀᴜ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

You came to pay a visit to your horned owl at his training. And as soon as you opened the door a familiar figure tackled you in a hug and spun you around

"Y/N I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" said bokuto happily even though you saw him right before the bell rang signaling that he had to go to his training,

you giggled at the affectionate owl then you kissed his cheek and said "I missed you too Koutaru, I hope you don't mind I watch you while you practice" the male's eyes sparkled at the idea of you watching him so he quickly replied with "YES YES YOU ARE GONNA SEE MY COOL SPIKED AND-" then he started rambling proudly about his spikes until Akaashi interrupted

"Bokuto-san we need to start" the said male nodded happily and put up a thumbs up to his best friend as he kissed you and ran to train, you giggled at his energetic behavior and sat on the bench when Konoha approached you

"Hey Y/N!" you smiled and waved "Hey Konoha, whats up?" "Oh nothing just wanted to see how my best friend was doing" he replied while you giggled and you guys started telling jokes and having fun a conversation.

While bokuto just spiked a ball and he turned to ask you if you saw it but what he found was you and Konoha laughing together, he started feeling a little down then went to akaashi to complain about it

"Akaashi, Y/N didn't see my spike" he muttered causing akaashi to take a glance at you then look at his best friend "Bokuto-san-"

he was gonna comfort bokuto but then he found him storming off to the corner and sitting down hugging his knees mumbling unclear words.

You didn't hear the excited voice of your boyfriend so you were worried so you excused yourself from the conversation you were having with Konoha and as soon as you saw bokuto you approached him, you crouch down in front of him and said

"Kou?" No response "Baby?" Still no response "My great horned owl, what's wrong?" He shifted a little and mumbled something "Koutaru baby I can't hear you" you said "You didn't see my spike and.." you got closer to him and cupped his face "and?"

He looked you in the eyes then switched his gaze somewhere else and continued "you were laughing and talking with Konoha instead" your eyes softened

" Kou, Konoha is just my friend, he can never take your place and you know that, you are the great Spiker Bokuto Koutaru and my one and only boyfriend for life"

you said as you smiled sweetly and started showering him with kisses causing him to crack a smile while you looked him at eyes again and ask "So who is my great boyfriend?" "I AM" he said as he stood up posing proudly, you giggle as you stand up and hug him and kiss his cheek

"Now go show them who is the greatest" you said with a wink, he nodded happily as he ran off to continue his training.

A few minutes later, there was an emo bokuto by the net, and since you were his girlfriend you went to comfort him and cheer him up, you went and hugged him and cupped his face

"Koutaru, what's wrong?" He looked sad and disappointed and said "I couldn't spike any of the balls" you caressed his cheek as you explained

"My great boyfriend it's alright, we all make mistakes but the difference is in when we make up for them so go and spike the rest of the balls and show them how great you are!"

Bokuto looked mesmerized by your words as he grinned widely and said "YOU ARE RIGHT Y/N" he hugged you and kissed your cheek and said " I never knew you were so wise" you giggled and ruffled his hair "I have my moments"

He then went back to training and every time he spiked he would look at you for your reaction and would get extra hyped every time you smiled at him or complimented him.

~After Training~

Konoha approached Akaashi and said "You know even if we are sometimes able to get him out of his emo mode, it takes a while but it's such an easy task for Y/N, she got him out of his emo mode 4 times today".

The setter nodded and said "She is his girlfriend so she must have more knowledge about him and she must mean a lot to Bokuto-san that's why her compliments hit different for him" Konoha nodded and looked at the lovely couple "I guess you are right".

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