Important A/N :(

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So I may have injured myself while playing volleyball and got a shoulder subluxation meaning a partial dislocation of the shoulder joint :,(
and yes I am typing with my left but the shoulder supporter on my right is making it difficult to move >:(
I will try to update if I can but please patient :,)
Oh yeah and I am a volleyball player specifically a left-side wing Spiker ✌🏻

If u r interested in what happened then feel free to continue reading but if not then have a nice day ❤️

The coach made me spike a lot and I mean ALOT so basically he overworked my shoulder specially and since I put my all into every spike it was a strong force and with a repeated process
After who knows how many spikes my shoulder started hurting me a lot so I told him about it.
And when I tried to play, it hurt like a bitch so I sat on the bench and couldn't play and then when we went to see what's wrong the doctor said I have a shoulder subluxation and instability in my shoulder :(
We will still do an x-ray to see if will be able play again or not 😔
Anyways this is how author-Chan got injured :D
And thanks for reading my story everyone
Have a nice day 🥺❤️💝💕💖💝

Btw I have no idea who to write about so please tell me if u want something about someone ❤️

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