Until he wins {ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ}

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𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕖𝕦𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝

You had limited time.

So you wanted to make the most out of it. You didn't tell your boyfriend because he had a tournament that mattered to him a lot and you knew that knowing that you are near the door of death will only sadden him and he will end up losing all his concentration.

You had a few days before you were gone and sadly it was the day he would play against Karasuno and if he won it he would play against Shiratorizawa and you knew how much he wanted to prove to Ushijima who is better.

But knowing you were near the end you decided to spend as much time as you can with oikawa.

You would go visit him in training every time.

You would go on dates every two days.

You guys would have sleepovers.

You couldn't ask for more

But today was the day when he would play against Karasuno and your last day.

You were in the stands cheering for him as he was about to play the serve then you suddenly felt weak, you felt weaker and weaker by the second.

You closed your eyes smiling to yourself recalling the sweet moments between you and and your boyfriend and the special one that happened yesterday.

Stroking Oikawa's hair as he laid his head on your stomach wrapping his arms around your torso, whispering sweet nothings to the brunette causing him to smile softly as he spoke

"Y/N I really don't know what I can do without you at this point" you chuckle softly resulting in him hearing it and saying "I mean it, I really don't think I can continue life without you" your expression softer than ever as you cup his face and look him in the eyes

"Tooru, you are a strong person and I know you will succeed in your life with or without me, you have so much waiting for you and I would never want you to feel like you can't do something because, you are capable of doing everything you want baby" the male touched by your words gets up to hug you properly as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and mumbles

"It's just I am so in love with you, you are like a drug Y/N, I can never get enough of you, Without you is like taking my heart away" your eyes get teary as you tighten the hug and nuzzle your face into his chest and say

"Y-you really have a way with words don't you" he smiles softly and says "It's not a way of words my love, it's just how I truly feel" as he cupped your cheek and leaned in closing the gap between you two sharing a sweet loving kiss.

"I love you Y/N and I will never stop loving you" he vowed as you two shared an Eskimo kiss.

You tried holding on longer 'Until he wins please' you thought as you held tightly onto bars only to find your grip weakening until you couldn't take it anymore as you fell backwards causing the crowd to gasp as people rushed to pick you up and call an ambulance.

The panicking crowd startled the players as they looked towards where the screaming is coming from only to see you looking as pale as snow in the hands of a man.

Once oikawa spotted you his eyes widened at the sight as he ran to you and held you, calling out your name multiple times , tears spilling out of his eyes then he checked your breathing, the man screamed in pain and agony as he came to the realization that the love of his life had died in his arms.

A month had passed and Oikawa was still as miserable as when you passed away.

He felt unmotivated to do anything. He skipped training and school. He never wanted to get out of his house, it worried everyone.

Right now he was sitting on his bed looking through your belongings that you left behind as he remembered the heart warming moments you two shared as he found a letter in the box with his name on it.

The brunette didn't hesitate twice to pick up the letter and started reading it.

Hey Tooru, you are probably reading this after you know..anyways I know you are probably wondering why I didn't tell you earlier but I didn't want to be a burden on your path to victory.

I knew how much you wanted prove to Tobio and Ushijima that you are better so I left you to concentrate and proceed in your dreams.

Prove to them now and everyday that you are the best cause you are and don't you dare let anyone pull you down and honey I just want you to know that I love you more than anything and I will never stop loving you.

And even if I am not on earth, I will be watching you from above and I will never leave your side.

Your lover, Y/N

Also check at the bottom of the box you will find something interesting

The setter was crying as he searched deeper into the box as he found two plushies and took them out .

His heart ached as he screamed and cried even more falling into his back hugging his pillow tightly as he said "Y-y/n why would you d-do this to me...I wasn't lying when I said I would always love you and will never get over you..and"

he sat up with his stained face as he held the plushies "making these..god even in your death you make me love you more.." as he hugged them eventually crying himself to sleep. Beside him the plushies you made.

One of you and the other one of him, they were holding hands showing they will never be separated.

Lucky for them Oikawa thought as dreamed of his past and last lover.

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