Dating Tsukishima Includes 🧂❤️

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- Stealing his glasses

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- Stealing his glasses

- Him thinking you look absolutely adorable but not telling you

- Study Sessions with each other every Friday

- A lot of forehead kisses wether you are tall or short, he just thinks forehead kisses hold great meaning 🥺❤️

- Calling him tsukki with yamaguchi (I was gonna write yamacoochie XD)

- Being called pipsqueak and shorty 24/7

- Calls you by your name at important events like your birthday or anniversary

- Always defending you

- Overprotective And gets jealous easily but doesn't show it. You would be talking with Kageyama for example  and then suddenly feel eyes digging holes in your head as well as a dark aura starting surround the atmosphere, not to mention how Kageyama is getting one the most scariest glares he has seen-

- He LOVES cuddling and his favorite position is when you are laying on top of him with your head in his tummy

- Likes playing with your hair

- Can actually braid it and style it, very convenient 👏🏻

- The team teasing him whenever you kiss him

- He is so soft for you and doesn't regret it

- Literally loves you with all his heart but doesn't show it to people

- Did he ask you to marry him?

I really like the banner style so I might do it all for all my stories from now on 👀❤️
Some Tsukishima for u my friend 😌❤️

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