Feels { ɴɪsʜɪɴᴏʏᴀ ʏᴜᴜ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

You were heading towards the gym to watch the volleyball practice of your brother. Hinata Shōyō. You were the oldest sibling and a second year and attended Karasuno as well.

Your brother would always tell you stories about what happened in trainings, his matches and his team but there is that one person that caught your eye out of everyone.

Nishinoya Yuu, you have had a crush on him for a while and I mean who wouldn't?

He was so energetic, supportive, caring, dependable and fun to be around but you never thought he would like back cause you would always see him practically simping for Kiyoko.

Anyways as I was saying as soon as you were in front of the door you heard a familiar voice shout "ROLLINGUUUU THUNDAAAAAAA DOUBLEEEEE"

you enter to see nishinoya as he ran Tanaka over with his rolling thunder and start laughing at how daichi was scolding both of them even though Tanaka did nothing.

Noya seemed to hear your voice and immediately turn to you as he smiled widely at your sight. Noya actually had a crush on you too but apparently both of you were oblivious to the others feelings.

"Y/N HEY THERE" said Noya as he approached you and ruffled your hair and yes you were shorter than him cause apparently the short genes ran in the family.

Anyways despite your younger brother being a social butterfly, you were quite shy when it comes to interacting with people let alone your crush "H-hey Noya" you stuttered while blushing.

Noya's heart fluttered at your state since you looked absolutely adorable not to mention how your shyness was actually one of the reasons he was so in love with you, you always get flustered whenever he complimented you, hugged you and pretty much any other form of affection.

The Libero was actually wondering 'How did she not notice I like her until now?'

Because he thought by the way he treats you that he has made it obvious but the boy was oblivious to the fact that you felt low about yourself and thought he liked Kiyoko because of how he runs after her like a lost puppy.

While you guys were lost in each other's eyes tsukishima and said "Noya-San you should stop flirting with your girlfriend and get back to training before daichi-San makes you run laps again" the blonde snickered as he called out his senpai.

Noya started blushing furiously as he barked at tsukishima "TSUKISHIMA YOU BASTARD TOU SHOULD LEARN HOW TO RESPECT YOUR SENPAI-"*bonk* and now there is a dead nishinoya in the ground, everyone started laughing at the scene of Noya getting hit on the head by daichi then went back to whatever they were doing.

Noya stood rapidly as he walked to you and said
"Y/N, can you wait for me after the training, I need to tell you something" you nodded as you started feeling curious.

What will he say? Will he ask you for advise with Kiyoko? Will he want you to let him copy your hw? Was he just gonna ask for favors? Or will he tell you that he genuinely likes Kiyoko?

These thoughts kept running through your mind until the end of the training, as soon as they were done Noya rushed to you and held your hand and gently made you follow him outside.

You guys were standing face to face with him holding your hand with both of his as he was gently caressing it, he took a deep breath and shouted


Noya looked you in the eyes and repeated "I really like you so please go out with me" you tilt your head and furrow your eyebrows and say "but w-what about Kiyoko, I t-thought you liked her or s-something.."

Noya held your hands tighter and said "I don't care about Kiyoko, my feelings for you are real, even if i fangirl over her with Tanaka, it's never serious, Y/N I only like no scratch that I only love you and no one else so please will you accept my feelings?"

Tears started to dwell in your eyes as you looked up to Noya and said "I've loved you for a long time too.." Noya's face brightened up as he pulled you to a hug and kissed your head "I promise to be the best boyfriend" you giggled and snuggled closer into his chest.

You guys were totally lost in each other's embrace until


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