Dating Headcanons {sᴜɴᴀ ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ}

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❥ Suna suna who we never spell his name backwards❥ I believe a relationship with him would be endearing in a lovely way❥ I feel like his love language is quality time, acts of service and physical touch❥ Let me elaborate on the physical touch more...

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❥ Suna suna who we never spell his name backwards
❥ I believe a relationship with him would be endearing in a lovely way
❥ I feel like his love language is quality time, acts of service and physical touch
❥ Let me elaborate on the physical touch more:
❥ I feel like suna just likes to hug you, hold hands with you, bury his face in your lap
❥ Just makes him feel relaxed and lets him zone out freely
❥ Another thing I think would happen in a relationship with him is something like this:
❥ "Rin, I got you a gift!"
❥ 'Oh my god she was thinking about me, she got me something, how is she so adorable, pls I just wanna squeeze her in a tight hug and kiss her all over, how dare she be this cute and loving' multiply the speed of it by 4 and that's his thoughts
❥ "T-thanks, babe."
❥ #notusedtoaffection
❥ That all came up to me because of the fact that Suna is more expressive through his thoughts and while he is quiet, his mind is thinking and saying a million of things
❥ He l o v e s showing you videos and photos he took in training or matches
❥ As an example is that one photo of Osamu shoving a sardine down Atsumu's throat because he said he doesn't need fish to get smart to which Osamu wholeheartedly disagreed about by the way because he said and I quote:
❥ Then suna will ever so casually show it to you like:
❥ "Hey, y/n, look this."
❥ I am gonna be honest
❥ I don't think he is one for nicknames and the best you could get out of him is "babe"
❥ A little suggestive part ahead but
❥ Maybe princess or a mix of degrading and praising nicknames while you guys make love
❥ Other than that, nothing other than just your precious and lovely name
❥ I believe, suna also likes to hold pinkies
❥ Cause you know it's subtle but cute, and I see suna as one for subtle actions like a quick peck on the cheek before parting ways so you can go to class, making you a clumsy bento, keeping spare headbands for you
❥ Maybe a little letter at the morning when he notices you seem down and even if you don't
❥ "Heads up, dummy, we are gonna see each other soon; I know you are strong and can get through whatever you are going through. Also you look nice and that bitch that said otherwise could screw right off - Rintarou, your boyfriend"
❥ Ya know things like that
❥ Maybe holding hands under the table when you guys are meeting up with someone or introducing him to your parents
❥ He would sometimes get awkward when talking to people so holding your hand is comforting
❥ If you are like observant and stuff or maybe mention how someone looks then I can see you guys as that judging couple but to a respectful extent
❥ Related to that, is the fact he knows all the gossip in the school and just shares everything with you
❥ "Turns out she was dating 3 guys at the same time."
❥ "Wow really, rin?"
❥ He will always take photos of people with dumb filters and send them to you
❥ I headcanon that suna wholeheartedly believes in the power of eskimo kisses
❥ So like you could be chilling and laying down on the floor then a wild suna would appear from above you dangling his upper body off the bed and just *eskimo kiss* then will disappear into the wild once again like he never came
❥ A jealous suna is an...interesting suna
❥ He will just look at the person flirting with you intensely, sort of trying to copy that gaze of kita that puts everyone on the edge while they are in the game and are slacking off
❥ But then want to assert dominance and just go stand between you both and be a salty and protective boyfriend
❥ "Can you go away? You are polluting the air here."
❥ Another thing would be slipping his arm around your waist and basically ruin the person's self esteem and rub it in the ground then their face
❥ And before he acts and gets up and shows that person where their place is, he just keeps insulting the man in his thoughts until he has enough
❥ 'Ew what's the that banana styled hair.'
❥ 'Are these plaid shorts?'
❥ 'He has no sense of fashion.'
❥ 'Look at that idiot peanut butter head trying to flirt with my girlfriend, wow; how enchanting and attractive'
❥ He once saw you wearing his jersey
❥ He couldn't function that well the rest of the day
❥ "Shut it it, Atsumu; I wanna go back to y/n."
❥ My rosey six sense tells me that he likes to bury his face in your stomach and basically lay on top of you
❥ He likes to be held by you, whatever will you do
❥ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
❥ His sister loves you a lot like a lot a lot, you are her favorite woman on earth, after her mother of course
❥ She likes to share embarrassing stories of him with you, payback for what he does to her when he feels mischevious
❥ You people team up on him when wanted cause ✨girl power✨
❥ You guys really like that one cafe around the school, it's a cafe known for couples too
❥ Despite that, it's known for its cozy, warm and quiet atmosphere
❥ So you guys like going there when you have time after school
❥ Suna gets a bit smug and of course appreciative when you attend his games
❥ He was truly happy the first time you did
❥ Cue the train of thinking he has followed by a nonchalant "oh, y/n is here."
❥ Puts just a little bit more effort in his plays when you do appear so he can impress you
❥ I can see him just squishing your cheeks, I don't know why
❥ But he would just squint at you while squishing your cheeks, it's like he is playing with a stress ball
❥ No matter if they are chubby or not and if you don't have that much of cheeks then he will just stretch them but not to the point they hurt cause he cares for you, obviously
❥ The team likes you btw, they are all just "woah suna has a girlfriend and she is nice too."
❥ Atsumu tried to flirt with you when he first met you (without knowing you were taken let alone suna's girlfriend) but then has received a grim reminder to ask before doing anything
❥ Osamu likes tasting food with you
❥ Aran thinks you are great for suna
❥ Kita approves of the relationship
❥ Ginjima is your biggest shipper
❥ When you visit practice, everyone greets you ever so energetically within the limit of their energy and continue with training
❥ You also sometimes help them with training like filling their bottles and stuff
❥ Suna gets a kiss whenever there is a break but just a quick one cause I don't think he is much for pda unless he feels like showing off
❥ Like when he is jealous
❥ Cause you are his after all 🙄

"❥ Atsumu tried to flirt with you when he first met you (without knowing you were taken let alone suna's girlfriend) but then has received a grim reminder to ask before doing anything❥ Osamu likes tasting food with you❥ Aran thinks you are great f...

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I think @violetthesimp requested a suna so here you go, luv; hope the dating headcanons are alright for you

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