Flick {ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ}

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𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣  ℕ𝕖𝕦𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝
You started being tutored by Tsukishima , why? Because you were failing in Math and needed someone's help and you couldn't find anyone except the salty dinosaur.





"Not a chance"






\End of Flashback/

Now you were heading towards the library to meet the blonde that was supposed to tutor you.

You entered to find Tsukishima waiting for you "Hurry up shortie" he said as you grunted and retorted back "You bastard-"Are you sure of insulting me when I have the liberty of ditching this and letting you fail math?"

He interrupted you causing you to grunt in annoyance as you sat down, you gave him your notebook that had the equations you solved that he wrote down to see just how are you in math.

Tsukishima bursted out laughing then looked at you "You are THAT bad? No wonder you were desperate" he snickered while you glares at him and said "I am fully aware of how bad I am which is why I asked you the smartest guy I have met to help me"

he blankly stared then flicked your forehead "OW what was that for?!" You exclaimed rubbing your forehead as he sighed annoyed "To get you to concentrate" he said as he started the session with you.

Since then you guys would have study sessions every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Weeks passed until it was the time of the exam that you have been studying for so much.

You paced around the halls nervous of how you were gonna perform in the exam but then Tsukishima came to sight and flicked your forehead "Oi stop stressing, you studied enough"

you looked at him a soft determined smile gracing your lips as you nodded and saluted "YES SIR I WONT DISAPPOINT YOU" then the bell rang announcing that you had to go to class for your exam "Bye Tsukishima!" You said brightly before running to your class.

Tsukishima chuckled softly and whispered "Good luck shortie.." "Tsukki who are you talking about?" appeared yamaguchi suddenly startling the blonde "Shut up yamaguchi" "Sorry tsukki"


"TSUKISHIMAAAAAAAA" you ran down the halls with your paper in hand as you found the said male and tackled him to the ground with a hug "Y/N..WHAT THE HELL-" he was cut off by your exam paper in his face to be shocked by the results.


Tsukishima looked shocked "That.." he muttered as you grin widely and continued his sentence "GREAT,RIGHT?!" You smiled genuinely happy leaving Tsukishima in awe of the beauty of your smile as you guys forgot the position you guys were in.

You were towering over the tall giant and then a faint blush crossed your face when you realized that causing you to rapidly stand up while stuttering an apology, Tsukishima followed suite and rubbed the back of his neck as he clicked his tongue and looked to the side.

You gently tug on his sleeve making him look down at you as you say "I need your help with something else" the blonde raised an eyebrow as he teased

"Oh y/n are you sure you would want help from me after all you are still in debt and have to pay the price of the odd study session" he smirked as you sighed and said "No it just one question" he nodded gesturing for you to continue.

You take a deep breath "How do you kiss a lamppost?" you said as you closed your eyes blinding yourself from the sight of tsukishima blushing furiously as he shook his head in disbelief with a barely visible smile planted on his face as he leaned down and said "Like this"

He gently pulled you by the waist to get you closer as he attached your lips to his as he caressed your cheek then letting go as he looked you in the eyes making you flustered and say "w-will you be my b-boyfriend"

The blonde flicked your forehead causing you to wince slightly and shout "WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT YOU DUMB-"I would never kiss you if I didn't have the same feelings you idiot" he interrupted you blankly, hearing his response you smile and hug him while he just patted your head, you were lost in the warmth of tsukishima until he said

"Don't think this means that you won't buy the strawberry shortcake".

Damn this lamppost

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