Two days later I still hadn’t told Cooper about his Mom and honestly didn’t know if ever would. I mean how do you tell a four year old that their Mom is gone.
Sighing, I looked down into the bathtub where the little guy was sitting in navel high water and ear high bubbles in his underwear.
“You about done?” I questioned, running my fingertips through my hair.
Frowning, he looked up at me and moved his fist in a circular motion infront of his chest before pressing the fingertips of his right hand to the flat palm of his left hand. Recognizing the movements to mean, ‘sorry again’ I looked him dead in the eyes and slowly repeated myself.
“Are you almost done?”
His eyes widening, Cooper shook his head.
Sighing, I sat back on the toilet and watched as he made his now naked Barbies swim through the water.
After a moment he reached out and tapping my leg, leaving wet little hand prints on my jeans, he made a C shape with his hands, then a fist, A, an L, before holding up two fingers and then making a fist again, this time with him thumb tucked beneath his fingers.
Realizing he was spelling my name I smiled slightly and leaned forward.
“What’s up?” I questioned.
Bringing his hand up to his head, Cooper tapped his forehead before bringing his hand out and holding up his thumb and pinkie. Making gun shapes with his fingers he then pointed downwards and moved them across his crotch before making two thumbs up, pressing his fists to his chest and moving them up and down.
“I-I don’t know what you’re saying.” I admitted.
Frowning, Cooper repeated himself.
“What are you trying to say buddy?” I questioned, “Can you use your words?”
Hesitating for a moment, Cooper opened his mouth and spoke slowly, “Why underwear in the bath?”
“Goodboy!” I praised, roughling his hair.
He spoke slow and loud, his voice too deep for such a little guy making him sound as if he had some sort of handicap however I loved that sound.
It had hit me that night, when I found out what had happened to Heather and Cooper had spent the night in Michael’s room that I was his dad. That I was all he had in the world and even though I wasn’t thrilled about the situation I had to suck it up and deal with it. There was no getting rid of him now so I might as well make the best of it.
“Why underwear in the bath?” Cooper repeated, snapping me back to reality.
“Because.” I replied, “I don’t know the rules about little kids and grownups and being naked.”
Seeming content with my answer he nodded and turned back to his Barbies.
“You’re going to get pruny if you sit in there much longer.” I informed him.
Not seeing my speak, he completely ignored me, making his Calum and Princess Jasmine Barbies kiss.
Smiling at him sadly I picked up my phone off the bathroom counter and after scrolling through my music for a moment turned on the Ed Sheeran song bloodstream.
“Might as well.” I said as if he could hear me, “It gets too quiet in here with you, it’s creepy.”
Ignoring me, which wasn’t surprising. Cooper looked down at his hands and scowled before looking up at me and holding out his finger.