Chapter-3(The mysterious man)

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And the next week I completed my graduation. I was really really happy not because I had completed my graduation but because tomorrow I am leaving for my dream city to meet my idols.

I was in my Dreamland when I heard a knock on my door.
"Aera are you done with your packing or want my help?" mom asked standing on the door.

"Thanks mumma but I am done, you can go and rest now , tomorrow I am gonna leave so I am sleeping early, good night mumma".

"Good night dear" she said and left.

Actually I have told her that I am going to sleep early but actually I am not getting any sleep from past few days because I am way too excited.
Anyway I need to sleep.

"Gd night Aera", I told myself and closed my eyes.

Next morning I woke up early actually I barely slept for five hours.

"Okay mumma, Okay dad don't worry I will keep that all in my mind , and don't worry I'll be okay, bye bye", I said and hugged them who were nagging me with their 'don't do this, don't do that' speech.

I waved my hand and left towards my flight.

"I wonder where they are right now? and what are they doing?, their concert is after two days so maybe they are busy with all the arrangements", I was talking to myself while walking towards my flight but suddenly I bumped into someone and we both fell on our back.

"Ouch!" I hissed.
I quickly got up and offered my hand to the person, he accepted my hand and got up,
"I am so sorry sir, I am extremely sorry it's all my fault, I was being careless, I am really very sorry" I apologised the man looking at him.

The person was wearing a black pant, white T-shirt, a black leather jacket and a black cap. His face was covered with mask and black sunglasses.
He didn't say anything but kept staring at me like I am the last person in the world.

"How?" He said,
He was going to say something but a person came and whispered something in his ears and they walked away. He was also wearing clothes like him.

I was bit confused that why he was wearing sunglasses and mask inside the airport, The mysterious man yeh that's what he looked like. Wow Aera you are so creative. 

"The flight no 505 from Paris to New York will take off in 15 minutes"

Time to fly Aera.

After total seven hours the plane was going to land finally, and everyone were said to wear their seatbelt.

In that whole time I was just thinking about that person. His voice was very similar to me, I must have heard it somewhere, but where?

Anyway None of my business.

After some minutes our plane was safely landed.

Half an our later I was walking towards the exit of the airport and I spotted a familiar figure, I saw that same mask man again, he was too walking towards the exit but he was quite far away. But soon he disappeared.

After what seems like hours later I finally reached my hotel. It was night already and I was so tired. I went to the reception and asked about the room I booked, they gave me the room card and I went directly to my room.

I threw my luggage in the side of my room and laid on the bed, I was too tired so I went to washroom and freshed up myself hurriedly and went to the bed as soon as possible.

I closed my eyes but my mind went back to that person and why was his voice so familiar and why was it affecting me this much.

"Leave it I am not in mood to think anything, good night Aera" , I said to myself and and closed my eyes once again and soon I was in my dream world.

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