Chapter-16(Death threat)

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It was almost 11 at night.
And I was rolling on my bed from left to right and then right to left.

Why can't I sleep?

I miss Aerik

I wanna meet him

But it's mid night

But still I want to

Scratching my head I thought maybe I should just go to his room.
Ahhhhh! Aera what will others think.
But what if they didn't know. But Augus will kill me, he is really acting like a real possessive brother. And I got not one but six brothers. A sweet smile appeard on my lips thinking about them but it vanished when I remembered him.

Aera,Why don't you sleep in my room tonight

Did he really mean it or he said just to tease Augus. I don't care I am going to meet him.

I got up from bed and looked myself in the mirror before going to his room.

I slowly opened the door of his room.
I think he is sleeping. The lights were off.

"Aerik, are you asleep?" I whispered slowly not wanting others to listen.

It was so dark that I couldn't see properly.
I guess he is sleeping so with a disappointed face I turned towards the door.

I gasped loudly when suddenly someone pulled me by my wrist and pinned me to the wall beside the door.
I was going to scream but Stopped me by placing his hand on my mouth.

"Ssshhh, it's me" he said as I took a deep breath of relief by recognising the voice.

He pinned my hands above my head with his other hand.

"You scared me to death" I said and heard his giggles. He removed his hands from me.

"What are you doing here at this time" he asked.

"I..I ,um I..I was missing you so I came to umm" I said stuttering.

"I missed you too princess" he said coming closer. Now I can feel his breath.

"I..I should go now it's too lat-" I was unable to complete my words when I felt his lips on my neck, I closed my eyes.

I was trying to convince myself to stop him but my mind refused to obey me.

He was brushing his lips on my neck kissing my neck as I tilted my head towards the opposite side. The feeling was so good but I need to stop him.

"A...Aerik" I whispered.
He just hummed in response.

"Aerik w..what y..ou" words were refusing to come out from my mouth.
This feeling was so good, I don't want to stop him but I need to. I was fighting with myself to stop him or not when I felt a sudden  pain in my neck.

"Ouchhh!" I said while flinching.
He stopped on his track and and again looked at me.

"Did you just bite me?" I said with widened eyes.

"Nope, I just marked you as mine" he said and I am sure he's smirking.

"I want everyone to know to that you are only mine" I was blushing but thank god he cannot see in dark.

His each and every words were sending shivers down my spine.
I want him now, right here.

He was going to back off when
"Don't" I said and cluttered his collar. Pulling him close again.

As I hugged him. He chuckled at my behavior and hugged me back.

After some minutes we broke the hug and I felt my body in the air.
He carried me in bridal style and started walking towards the bed.
He placed me on the bed and laid beside me and pulled me close.
My head was on his chest and his hands were around my waist. I felt so safe in his embrace. I wanted the night to pause.

"Aerik" I said as he hummed in response.

"I don't want this night to pass" I said

"If you want I can make it a long night" he said.

I hit his chest as I know what he mean, he chuckled.

"That's not what I mean" I say "I mean I feel so safe in your arms this is my favourite place and I don't want to leave it".

"Me too" he said while tightening his grip around me.

A single ray of light was falling on us from the little open window.
He looked deeply into my eyes and we lost.
First he kissed my forehead than my eyes and atlast my lips. He slowly pushed me on the bed.

At first it was a sweet kiss as I kissed him back but slowly he started to go rough. His hands went inside my shirts on my bared waist and he started to caress it. I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him more close.

He started to open the button of my shirt but stopped when suddenly my phone started to ring. He frowned in disappointment. We sat up straight, he switched on the lights as I looked at my phone it was an unknown number.

I picked up the call
"Hello" I said

"Stay away from my man, he is only mine" a girl replied from the other side of the call.

"Who are you and What are you talking about?" I said confused.

"If you want to stay alive than stay away from him, he is my, only my and I'll kill them, who ever dare to go near him". With that the call disconnected.

"Hello , hello" I called but the call was already disconnected. "Strange".

"What happened princess, who was that" Aerik asked concerned.

If I tell him, he will get worried.
I don't want him to overthink.

"Just a wrong number" I said with a forced smile.

"Ohh" he replied.

Suddenly I remembered what we were doing. An awkward silence took place between us. I didn't know what to do now, should I wait for him to continue, no no that's rediculous or just leave? I looked at him maybe he was also in same confusion.

"Ummm I should get going now" I said and got up but was pulled back on the bed again by him.
He was looking deeply in my eyes. I didn't know what to say as he pressed him lips on mine.

After some minutes he interwinged his hands with mine and started kissing my neck and then sliding slowly towards my tummy, I closed my eyes, my breath was unstable.

"Aerik, Aera come down fast" we stopped again when someone called our name.

"Not again" he whined like a child.
I chuckled at his expression.
We got up and headed downstairs  

Once we reached to the living room we saw everyone was standing there with a tense look.
"What happened guys?" Aerik said.

They all turned their gaze at us.
Augus came towards me and hugged me.
"Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"Absolutely, what will happen to me" I replied.

He broke the hug and kept staring at me. I was very confused, what is happening.

"Will anyone tell me what is happening and what are you all doing here at this late?" I asked.

When Will indicated at a direction with his fingers.
We both made our way towards that direction and what we saw made us shock as hell.

A beautiful white bird full covered with blood lying on the floor lifeless.
It was looking like someone intentionally stabbed it with a sharp object. I immediately closed my eyes. Aerik immediately hugged me and covered my eyes.

"Who did this, who can be this cruel?" I asked.

"That is not the concern right now" Louis said and pulled me towards him.

"Aera I am glad you are alright". He said with a heavy sigh.

"Look beside the bird" Augus said.
As we looked beside the bird. There was a small poster or maybe someone's picture.
Aerik bend down and picked it up.

What shocked us even more was, it was my picture with a cross made on it with blood.

Now I was scared.
But the more shocking was when he turned the picture. Something was written with blood.

"I'll kill everyone who will go near Aerik, he is only mine".

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