Chapter-41(Happy Ending)

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Authors POV

"Aera, why are you doing like this?" Becky shouts from outside the door, "They all need you, you should come with us".

"Yes Aera, it's a big day for them and they want their sister to stay by their side" Daisy says.

"I am not feeling well, I don't want to go, Daisy don't get late because of me, Kookie needs you and Beck please go Kai is there alone, they'll be busy, Kai needs someone" Aera says sitting inside her room.

Today TSS is going to get the award for best singer band but Aera has locked herself inside the room saying she doesn't want to go cause she's not feeling well but in real she was not ready to face Aerik.

Daisy came Berlin yesterday night for attaining the show on Kookie's request.

They gave up when they couldn't Convince her.
"What happened?" They looked back to see Louis.

"Thank God Louis you came now only you can convince her, we are tired" Daisy said.

Louis knock the door

"Beck I told you I'm not feeling well, I won't go"

"Aera it's me Louis, open the door I need to talk to you".

"Louis?" Aera opened the door, "what are you doing here? You need to go, you'll be late".

"Can I come in?" He asks.

He steps in and sit on the bed and signs Aera to sit beside him.

"Why don't you wanna go?" He asks as Aera sits beside him.

"I.. I am not feeling well"

"You are a bad lier Aera, tell me what's the matter, is it about him?" He asks looking at her.

She looks down biting her lower lip.

"I..I just, umm"

"Aera, I know it's hard for you to see them together but we all need you, you are our sister too, it's not only about him it's about us" He says

"I know, it's just I don't want to face him. I don't want him to show sympathy to me after what I did yesterday, I made fun of myself" she laughs painfully.

"No one is going to show you sympathetic, they all love you and about Aerik, tell me one thing how much do you know him?"


"You know him better then himself, what do you think he will feel for you?" He says

"What do you mean?" She raise her one eyebrow.

"You will understand, for now I just want to tell you that it's a big day for all of us, won't you be there for us today" he says cupping her cheeks.
Aera was looking at him blankly.



"Do you have someone you like?" Louis eyes widened at the question and he looks away blushing.

"Wow did you just blush, I never saw you blushing" Aera smiles a little.

"Louis" she sighed and he looked at her, "If you like someone don't hide your feelings, tell her about your feelings before it's too late, unlike me" she says looking down her eyes full of tears.

"Aera, actually I am still not sure whether she likes me or not" he says shyly.

"She do"


"I know she do, all you need is to confess" Aera says

"How did you know about her, I never told anyone" Louis says with wide eyes.

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