Game Time

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Corey shook as he put on his uniform. The locker room was loud as the team got ready. Scott patted Corey on the back as he chatted to Liam, Nolan, and Corey, "Be careful, guys. Play good."

Liam smiles at his alpha and realizes the team was going to the field now. They said their goodbyes and ran out.

Scott sat in the stands with Lydia, Stiles, Mason, Isaac, and Malia. Theo sat with them but he was looking worried. Liam smelled his boyfriend's anxiety and turned to the stands. They made eye contact as Liam questioned quietly, "What's wrong?"

Theo's supernatural hearing picked up on it and he gulped before answering his concerned boyfriend, "Nothing. I'm fine. Just play the game." Liam frowned at Theo. He could tell something was wrong. He'll ask after the game.

Corey bounced his leg as he sat on the bench. The game had started with both Liam and Nolan in. A player got injured so Corey got put in. He took a deep breath and got in position.

The game started. Corey ran carefully. He avoided other players as much as possible. But Liam threw the ball to him. Corey caught it easily. He gasped as he saw every player turn to him. He took off running, dodging people. He launched the ball to the net. The crowd erupted in cheers as it went in.

Corey was about to celebrate when he was thrown to the ground. Someone tackled him, putting all their weight on his torso. Corey screamed as he felt immense pain.

Next thing he knew, he was surrounded by his team. They all stared at him as he laid on the ground. Suddenly Mason knelt by Corey. They were all trying to get him to talk and say he was ok but he didn't.

Theo peered over Scott's shoulder. Corey made eye contact with Theo and they shared a scared look. Theo pushed past and said in a hushed voice, "We're going to Deaton's." Corey nodded. They didn't think about if their friends could hear...

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