Raising Hybrids

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2 years later

"Cassie! Put that down!" Mason yelled as he chased his lively toddler around the McCall house. She ran around with Mason's phone. Her outfit was a purple dress and she had dark brown hair in pigtails.

Theo was sitting at the kitchen table, attempting to do his homework as he bounced Charlie on his leg. The boy was wearing a green onesie, loving the comfort from the warm outfit. He held the small toy lion that Scott had gotten him the for his birthday. His dirty blond hair almost went to his shoulders in a shaggy look.

Theo groaned as he slammed his hand onto the textbook in front of him. "I don't get it!" He exclaims. Charlie starts crying at the sudden noise. Theo looks at his baby, "No no no! Baby, it's ok! Please don't cry!" Theo started tearing up at the fact that he couldn't get the boy to stop crying again.

The front door opens to reveal Scott. He looks at the house full of frantic dads and energetic babies. He looked at Theo, his homework still open.

He went to the chimera, taking Charlie from his grasp. He held the boy close, easily calming him with his scent.

Then Cassie comes running through, still holding the cellphone. Scott said firmly, "Cassie! Give that back."

She pouted but handed it to Mason. Theo stood up and stared at Scott with a tired expression. "How?" He asks, "How can you do it?"

Scott smiled, "I'm the alpha."

Scott took the pack to the reserve for a day out. It was a sunny day, the light shining through the trees.

Lydia, Derek, Nolan, Corey, and Mason all sat together and talked.

Stiles and Isaac were talking against a tree about some supernatural thing that happened in a different state.

Scott and Malia were chatting about a new pack that had moved into a nearby city.

Liam and Theo were keeping an eye on the toddlers as Liam told Theo, "Babe, Scott told me you've been struggling."

Theo looked away from the kids, confused. "Wait, what? Struggling with what?"

Liam looked at him, "With school." Theo sighed, nodding. "Do you need any help?"

Theo shook his head, "It's nothing. Just an extra course so I can get my associates. I'll be fine."

"Babe, this is important. You need tutoring!" Liam stated. "Get Nolan to help you, please! He's already taken that class."

Theo rolls his eyes, sighing. "Ok ok, fine. I'll ask."

Theo looked back to where the toddlers were. Or where he though they were.

He stood up straight, looking all around. Liam glanced over, noticing the same thing.

The kids were gone.

"Scott!" Liam called. "They're gone!"

Scott hurried to look around the area. "Don't worry, we'll find them."

The pack split up around the woods. Scott and Isaac were hurrying through the trees. Scott saw the little lion that everyone knew belonged to Charlie. He picked it up, giving it a smell to get the scent.

He leads Isaac forward, suddenly stopping when he sees two men. One of them held both toddlers in his arms. Scott flashed his eyes red, but they went back to brown when the men turned around.

"Scott? Did you lose your kids?" Jackson smirked. Ethan smiled brightly as he held the two happy toddlers.

Isaac groaned, "Jackson..."

Jackson smirked at him, "Hey Isaac, how's your dad?"

"How's yours?"

Ethan interrupted before the two could start an actual fight. "Anyway, Scott, you didn't tell us you had kids?"

Scott came to him, taking both kids from his arms. "Yeah, uh," He laughed, "They're not mine. They're apart of my pack, I guess. And their dads are pretty worried about them so we should get them back now."

"Daddy!" Cassie yells as Scott sets her down when Mason and Corey are in view again. Corey picks her up and hugs her as Mason glances towards Jackson and Ethan.

"Who are they?" He asks.

Scott introduces, "This is Jackson and Ethan. And apparently now they have come back to Beacon Hills permanently!"

Lydia squealed and jumped into Jackson's arms. He hugged her back, still loving her as much as the day they met. Stiles rolled his eyes at both men, still not particularly liking them.

Charlie started crying in Scott's arms. Scott rocked him slightly, "Shhh, it's ok."

Liam suddenly jumped into the clearing out of breath. "Sorry, we fell in a hole!" Theo followed his boyfriend. Liam hurried to get his crying boy out of his alpha's arms. "Shhh, Charlie."

Liam pat the boy's diaper padded butt to calm him down. Theo took the lion from Scott, putting it in front of Charlie's face.

Soon the boy stopped crying. Which was a sentence used for the rest of his life.

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