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Scott wakes up to someone shaking his arm violently. He opens his eyes to see Isaac leaning over him. Isaac has a tired smile on his face.

"Hey babe. Liam's here." Isaac says before he yawns and pulls Scott out of bed. Scott groans but stands up.

"What does he want? It's 2 am." Scott pulls on a t-shirt.

Isaac opens the bedroom door and leads Scott towards the stairs. He explains, "He's complaining about Theo. Apparently he's missing." Isaac did finger quotations around the word missing, clearly not believing Liam.

Liam jumps from the couch when he sees Scott enter the living room. He rushes to Scott. "Scott! Theo hasn't gotten home yet! From his scent, he hasn't been there since we left for school yesterday morning! Please Scott! I'm worried!"

Scott grabs his beta's shoulders to calm him down. He said, "Hey, calm down Liam." He paused and waited for Liam's breathing to slow. "Are you sure Theo isn't just spending the night with a friend?"

Liam stared at Scott. He said, "Theo doesn't have any friends." Scott blinked, realizing it was obvious that Theo didn't. "He's gotten close with Corey though!" Liam pulled out his phone and called Corey. The phone picked up and Liam said urgently, "Corey?"

He gave a questioning look at the phone as he put it on speaker. The phone only picked up the sound of loud breathing. Deep, pained breaths.

Liam called, "Corey! Theo!"

The phone cut off with a loud gasp. Liam looked up to Scott. Scott raised an eyebrow at the phone.

"What the hell?" Scott mumbled.

Suddenly there was a loud knocking at the door. Isaac went and got it. He came back with Mason behind him.

Mason said, "Corey's missing!"

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