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"Wakey wakey, babies." A sinister woman's voice says. "Well I guess the real babies are here," She jabs her finger into Theo's stomach. "Aren't they?"

Theo pulls on the chains holding his arms above his head. He growls lowly at the woman and thrust himself forward in an attempt to reach her. It doesn't work so he just slumps back against the chain fence that he was forced to stand against.

Corey tries to pull away from her hand when it suddenly grips his jaw tightly. "Don't run from me. I just wanna help you." She paused, looking them both over. "So I feel like you two don't really want these babies, am I right?"

Theo growled, "No! Leave us alone!"

Corey whimpered, "Don't hurt us."

She smirked, "But why were you leaving town? Wasn't it because you thought of these offsprings as burdens? Your life would be much better without them. Right?" She looked over their sad faces as they thought about what she was saying. "You could go back to your boyfriends. Finish high school. Get a good, stable job. But you can't do that with a baby."

The chimeras knew that she was right. They wouldn't be able to do anything if they had the babies. Liam and Mason would leave them. That would lead to them having no one to watch the babies when they're at school or work. There's nothing they can do.

The woman continued, "So I have a proposition for you both." She gave them both a look, keeping her creepy smirk. "You cooperate and we'll let you go, okay?" They didn't believe her so they they kept silent. "Here's the deal, you stay here for the rest of this pregnancy and I'll take those babies right off your hands!"

Theo felt himself instinctively try to cover his stomach with his hands. But the chains held him. He pouted, wishing he was as strong as a real werewolf.

Corey whimpered and shook his head, "Absolutely not! We may have not planned to have them, but we still will! And they're ours, not yours!"

The woman tsked. "That was a mistake sweetie..." With a quick flip of a switch, the fence electrified. The chimeras shook and screamed in pain. She yelled over them, "Don't worry! The babies are fine! They're using your healing, but sadly, that leaves none for you..." She smirks as they scream as loud as they can, feeling every spark in their bones.

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