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The pack took the chimeras to the clinic. Scott called his mom to meet them there. So Deaton and Melissa worked on making sure the chimeras were okay.

Both of them woke up around the same time. Corey immediately reached for Mason. Mason came forward, holding Corey's hand.

Corey suddenly looked around frantically, "Cassie? Where is she?"

Mason tried to calm his boyfriend. "Hey, it's okay. Lydia has them, both of them."

Theo sighed with relief, knowing Lydia was probably good with kids. She has enough knowledge to take care of any age of people.

Scott cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone. "Stiles explained in little detail to his boss everything about Jessica. They got all of her people in custody."

Theo nodded, swinging his legs around to hang off the side of the table. Liam's hand was on his shoulder, rubbing soothingly. Corey moved to sit the same.

"That's good. Thanks Scott." Theo said, "Thank you for coming."

Scott smiled at the chimera, "I'll always come for you. Any of you." The pack felt loved by their young alpha. "But," Scott cleared his throat. "There's someone you both should see now."

Lydia walked in with two cleaned bundles in her arms. The babies were in actual towels now and they were once again asleep.

The chimeras took their babies and looked down at them in awe.

Scott cleared his throat, "Explain it. Everything."

Theo and Corey explained the anatomy of a chimera. They explained how they planned to leave and why. Then when they were taken. And what happened at the beginning of them being captured. All the torture and begging.

"I think everyone should go and rest. We'll figure a way out to take care of the kids and for you both to live lives." Derek stated. He's the only actual adult in the pack so he would be the main person to come up with a plan for this.

Scott nodded, agreeing with the man. He said to the chimeras. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out."

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