Falling Apart

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"Please Scott! Please! There has to be something we can do!" Liam begged with tears running down his face.

Scott looked down at his beta, feeling only sympathy. He took in Liam's appearance. His facial hair was growing out slightly and his eyes had bags under them.

Three weeks the chimeras have been missing. Scott missed them. He did. But he looked all throughout Beacon Hills. Derek and Argent searched Mexico. The Calaveras claimed they didn't have them. And they didn't.

So Scott didn't know what to do.

Mason didn't leave his house. Nolan had to bring him his homework. He also had to bring Liam's since he refused school as well.

Parrish had put out missing persons reports but nothing had come up. Melissa checked every hospital in the county. Even Braeden was looking for them.

Scott tried to grab Liam's arm. But Liam pulled away. "Scott, please..." He whispered.

"Liam, I've done everything I can to think of how to save them. But, there's not much else I can do." Scott frowned at his broken beta.

He had to basically spoon feed Liam for the past few days, Lydia helped with that too. Lydia and Scott would also force Mason to eat.

Liam looked away in silence. Liam wasn't mad at Scott, but he was mad. He was mad that there was nothing they could do.

"Liam," Scott got his attention. "Lydia said that they're not dead. Okay? That's good right?"

Liam looks at his alpha. "But what if it's not? What if they'd rather be dead than where they are now?"

"Aghhh! Please! I'm begging you! Let me go!" Theo screams as loud as he can. His throat was raw from all the screaming he had already done.

Jessica rolled her eyes, "Oh Theo, always looking for the east way out."

She upped the voltage, sending him screaming again. His back arched off of the table. His claws scratched at the air. His eyes were glowing gold.

"Please..." He mumbled before passing out.

Corey had no more tears. He had a permanent frown though.

Both his and Theo's bellies were big now. In the next few days, it was expected that they would have the babies.

Jessica looked to Corey. She observed his belly. She had already turned off the electricity.

"So, any day now? Good. I feel like it's be a good idea to stop all this torture stuff now. It's getting dangerous for my offsprings." She chuckled to herself.

She ordered a few big men to come over to Corey and Theo. They unhooked both boys and carried them out of the torture chamber. They brought them to this white room. Two small beds were at one end of the small room. That was basically it in the room. The bedsheets were white as well.

Jessica watched as the men put Theo onto one bed and dragged Corey to the other. "This is your new home boys. That is, unless I decide to kill you later."

She laughed maniacally as the door slammed shut. 

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