What Happened

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Scott successfully led his pack into the facility that held Theo and Corey. They all met up in the hallway of the building.

"Okay," Scott said, "We have to find them. The building went on lock down when Malia punched the first guard."

Malia glared, "He shouldn't have been there!"

Scott ignored her, "Derek, Malia, and Lydia search the hall to the left. Stiles, Mason, and Nolan will check the right hall. Isaac, Liam, and I will go down the middle hall." They all nodded at the plan.

Everyone opened and closed doors to find the boys. But it seemed like every room was empty. Only storage rooms and weaponry's.

Suddenly Stiles called out, "Uh, Scott!"

Scott rushed to where Stiles' voice came from. Everyone followed to see what Stiles was calling about.

Scott gasped at the sight of the room Stiles had opened. Liam and Mason pushed to the front.

Theo and Corey sat on the two small white cot like beds. Each chimera held something bundled in a ripped piece of the white sheets. The chimeras slowly looked up at the pack. Their arms dropped from their chest slightly, revealing the bundles.


"Liam?" Theo whispered.

Corey smiled at Mason. He waved them closer carefully.

Mason and Liam slowly came closer, eyeing their boyfriends carefully.

Liam looked at the sleeping baby. He mumbled, "Theo? What...?"

Theo smiled like a child, a smile no one had seen in awhile. "We forgot to tell you about how chimeras' bodies react to their heat."

Liam and Mason glanced to each other in shock and awe.

Mason said to Corey, "So this, child, is mine?"

Corey nodded, watching Mason with worry. Neither chimera knew how the pack would react.

Mason nodded, still surprised. He said his iconic, "Intense." Then he smiled, sitting on the edge of Corey's bed. "What's their name?"

Corey looked at the baby, "Cassie. They're both only a day old."

Liam looked at the baby in Theo's arms. Theo noted how nervous and hesitant Liam seemed. Theo said, "His name is Charlie."

Liam let out a breath, the happiness of being a dad finally settled in. He grinned at his little boy. "Can I- can I hold him?"

Theo places the bundled baby into Liam's arms. Liam barely breathed as he stared at Charlie.

Then he heard someone take a step towards them. Out of instinct, Liam growled and flashed his gold eyes as he looked over his shoulder.

Scott stopped his steps and put his hands up, "Calm down Liam. We need to go. We can't stay here any longer." Liam nodded, looking back to Theo. "Mason and Liam, you need to carry the babies. I don't think Theo and Corey have the energy for that while we run."

Mason takes his baby girl from Corey and stands slowly. Liam stands as well. Theo attempts to sit up but winces. His shirt was stained with blood from the torture before.

Scott moves forward to help Theo up. Theo looks up at the alpha, his hand clenching into a fist around the sheets.

Scott stood at Theo's side, only stopping his movements when he heard Theo whimper. Theo reached out for Scott, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer.

Scott watched Theo in surprise as the chimera tried to smell his shirt. He continued whining when Scott tried to pull away.

Derek spoke up, "It must be the werecoyote in him. He's looking for an alpha to comfort him."

Scott slowly nodded in understanding. "Ok. I'll help Theo out. Isaac, get Corey."

Isaac went to Corey's side, helping him up with an arm around his waist. They followed Mason to the door with the rest of the pack.

Scott ignored Theo's grabby hands as he tried to get the chimera up. When he did, Theo went almost completely limp in his arms. Scott grunted as he basically dragged Theo along.

The group hurried down the halls of the facility. Derek and Stiles led the way towards the exit.

Suddenly, Nolan was yanked away from the group. The pack turned to where someone was holding him with an arm around his neck.

Jessica held a knife to Nolan's throat. She was glaring at Scott. "Give me the offsprings! Now!" She screamed. "Or I'll kill him!"

Theo growled, "You're never going to get them! Give up!"

Jessica grunted as Nolan tried to fight her. But it didn't work. She pressed the knife harder to his throat. "If you won't give me those, then stay! Both of you, so we can get another chance at having my weapons!" She chuckled lowly.

Corey glared, "I'm a minor, you dumb bitch. That sentence seems suggestive."

Stiles nodded, "You know, at the first few weeks of training at the FBI, they go over creepy people like yourself. Like knife wielding perverts that wanna take over the world."

She scoffed, "Just give me the children!"

Liam and Mason both took a step back, holding their babies close. It was clear that they had both been thinking about how they just got the babies, and they'll never give them up.

Stiles looked to Scott, almost giving him a sign through his eyes. Scott nodded, knowing what Stiles was planning.

"You want the babies cause they're chimeras right?" Scott asked. Jessica nodded. "So have you thought about the fact that they're still babies? Like you'll have to raise them."

Derek added, "Yeah, toddlers are gross and annoying. Do you really want that around?"

Jessica paused, loosening on Nolan slightly. Just like Stiles planned.

He drew out his gun at an almost werewolf speed, shooting right over Nolan's shoulder to shoot her arm. She gasped and groaned, dropping the knife and Nolan. Derek grabbed the teen boy away from the woman. Nolan was covering the ear that the bullet went by, the sound had hurt his ear.

Stiles moved forward, deciding to take care of the woman the legal way.

"Technically this is a citizens arrest cause they don't trust me enough to be out in the field alone but either way, you're under arrest." Stiles said as he pulled handcuffs from his inside jacket pocket.

Scott and Derek glanced to each other, both wondering when Stiles got to be so badass. Lydia was thinking the same thing.

Stiles led the way out of the building as he dragged Jessica along behind.

Eventually Isaac and Scott had to throw Theo and Corey over their shoulders when the boys passed out.

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