Moving out

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Corey and Theo sat in the library together, silently. Both had no idea what to say. Today, after school, would be the day that they leave. They'll go to some other town, make a life for themselves and their new additions. Everything will be fine.

"Theo, is this the right idea?" Corey questioned quietly.

Theo looked up at him, glancing around the room first. "I think so. We would be freaks if they found out. So we have to go." Corey nodded, agreeing with Theo.

They left the library soon after. Before school, they put their bags in Theo's truck. Now, is the time that they leave, forever.

"Theo! Wait!" Liam yells as he spots the chimeras in the parking lot. "Hey what are you guys doing? We're having a pack meeting at Scott's."

Corey spoke up first, "Don't worry about us Liam!" He laughed to reassure the young wolf. "We're just going to pick something up from the store. We'll be at the meeting right after."

Liam nodded, believing the chimera. "Okay. Uh then I guess I'll see you two later. Bye." He turns and takes a step before Theo stops him.

"Liam!" Liam turns back around. "I love you."

Liam smiles, "I love you too."

Corey bounces his leg anxiously as Theo drives them down a deserted Beacon Hills road. It's not unusual, clearly. But unsettling.

"Will they forgive us?" Corey mumbles.

Theo hesitates, staring at the road. "I hope so." He glances at Corey, noticing how sad the boy looked. He tapped Corey's thigh and smiled. "It'll be okay."

Corey smiled back at him and turned to look out at the road in front of them. His eyes went wide, his smile dropped and he screamed, "Theo!"

Theo turned quickly, seeing a large fallen tree had somehow fallen into the road. But the tree wasn't there before.

Theo slammed on the breaks but the trucks ran straight into the tree, immediately being stopped by the force.

Glass flew everywhere. The front of the truck dented in horrible ways. Smoke coming out of the engine.

Theo's head hit the steering wheel, knocking him out.

Corey could only hear a ringing in his ear after his head hit the now broken window. His vision was blurry as well. He felt like he couldn't focus on anything. He couldn't even turn invisible when he felt the presence of someone else. He looked up towards the shattered window, seeing someone look down at him.

Blood seeped down Corey's face as he felt the darkness finally go over his mind.

"Where's Theo and Corey?" Scott asks.

Liam answers, "They said they were going to the store. They'll be here."

Scott nodded, accepting the information. Stiles cleared his throat, "Don't we think it's strange that they mysteriously go to the store without mentioning what they were going to get?"

"Chimera stuff?" Isaac suggests. Stiles rolls his eyes at the wolf's suggestion.

Derek pat Stiles' arm, "Let them have some freedom. They'll be here soon."

Lydia stares at the ground as she suddenly mumbles, "I'm not so sure about that..."
Everyone looks to her, waiting for an explanation. She looks up with a worried look. "I think something happened. Someone's going to die."

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