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"Please! Please stop!"

Corey screamed for the woman to turn off the power. Theo was grinding his teeth together as his body was shaking against the metal table. His muscles were flexing as he yanked at the restraints.

Corey cried as he watched his friend scream in pain. He knew he could do nothing but he still felt like he should. However, tomorrow was his turn to be on the table. It could be electrocution or it could be water boarding or it could be getting stabbed. The boys have experienced it all.

They've been locked in the dark, hot basement for what felt like forever to them. In reality, it had only been a few weeks. Two to be exact.

The woman, they learned was named Jessica, glared at Corey. She flipped off the switch, letting Theo breathe for a moment. She stepped up to Corey, being so close that he could feel her breath on his face.

"Is that your surrender?" She hissed. Corey shook his head, being used to the question by now. She scoffed, "Why? You have nothing left! Your friends aren't looking for you anymore! They abandoned you! Get it through your goddamn head!" She screamed in his face. She took a breath, calming down a bit. "Just let me have the babies. And you'll be free!" She smiled like a crazy person.

Theo spoke up out of breath, "Why?" His voice was soft but clearly curious. "You never told us why you want them."

She turned to him and rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious?" She scoffed. "Chimera babies. Imagine the kind of power those two could hold. Even though you boys may not be related, you have the same thing running through your blood. The Dread Doctors used the same kind of chemicals when they created you. So your children will have those chemicals as a normal part of their genes. And maybe, those children put together, could be the ultimate weapon. In conclusion, your babies will have born-powers. And if I'm not wrong," She pointed at Theo with a smirk. "Your offspring is fathered by the first and only beta of a true alpha."

Theo growled loudly, attempting to jump at her. His eyes shined a bright gold. His claws elongated. His fangs were clear as he roared in rage at her.

Jessica chuckled. She shook her head and glanced at Corey before smirking and leaving the room.

Corey mumbled, "What are we going to do? Did they really stop looking for us?"

"I don't know. Scott wouldn't abandon someone in his pack, right?" Theo said hopefully.

Corey pouted, "We're chimeras. Not werewolves. He doesn't care. We're dead to them. All of them..."

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