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Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. -John Lennon


"Are you not like thirty-three?" Pali! I feel like shutting her up but I know defending Israel will only make her come harder at him.

"Yes, I am. Why?"

"You know that Paris is twenty-one, right?"

"I am aware of that fact. Why?" Why does he add "why" do not encourage this behaviour!

"Just making sure you know. What if she was a gold digger?" I know it is because she loves me but she is crossing boundaries. I am not a gold digger and we know that I am not, why are we saying it to prove a point?

"She would be a horrible one." I need a break from this.

"You have been with a gold digger?" Now it is Tyson's turn to harass him. What the hell?

"Yeah, a couple of times." Israel is not that old, is he? No, thirty-three is not even the middle of life for some people.

"What movie are we watching?" I try to divert the attention, that gets everyone's attention.

"I have a few suggestions." I indicate that she says them when Tyson interrupts

"Is it romance?" Tyson clearly does not know Pali.

"No, I was thinking more Ryan Reynolds."

"Okay. What Ryan Reynolds?"

"6 Underground?" everyone agrees and I press play.

"You okay?" I whisper into Israel's ear.

"Yeah, just tired." We lay on the couch. Israel is resting his head on my shoulder. He begins playing with my shirt. He lays on my lap just to look at my boobs.

I glare at him before focusing on the movie. I move my legs, laying on the couch so that the little brat can lay on my boobs.

He does not bother me until the end of the movie.

"I want to sleep and I can't if you are not there." I roll my eyes at what was whispered into my ear.

"Tyson, I think it is time we left. Unlike Israel, we all have a boss." We laugh. I lead them out. I internally thank Pali. She finally got the memo.

"See you tomorrow, Pali and see you some other time Tyson." I close my door and make my way, to the greedy brat on my couch.

"Let's get you to bed." He stands up and we make our way to my room. I change into a pink pyjama set.

I am trying to sleep when I feel Israel playing with my boob.

"Mr Rumming, I thought you wanted to sleep?"

"How can I when all I can feel are these beautiful breasts of yours? I hate the way he looks at you."

"Who Tyson?" A moan at how good this feels.

"Don't say his name, he was looking at you the entire movie." He sounds off, is he jealous? He is.

"I won't say his name, you want to fuck me or you just going to playing with my boob?"

"I'm not going to fuck you, we both need the rest." True.

I get on top of him. I start kissing him, grinding on him in the process. I stop to kiss his forehead. I lay on his chest in a froglike position, my legs to his sides while I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I guess I'm sleeping on his chest tonight.

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