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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin


The last day of the school year. I hate having to let them go. In a year you form bonds with all of them. You learn who drops them off and who picks them up. You learn how many siblings they have, if they have any or you learn the little things. How some can't sleep during the day or how some need a teddy bear to sleep and that some of them hate greens or weird things like how they feel guilty when they step on bugs. You learn so much and when they leave, it feels like they all take a piece of you with them.

Tonight, there is a Teachers' Award ceremony. They award the best teacher and some other smaller awards. It is all the teachers in the province. Usually, Pali and I are each other's dates but this year Kevin is coming along.

Pali picked out my evening gown for me. I just have not been myself lately, blame Israel Rumming. He is on my mind and if it is not him, my vulva pulsates at the thought of him, leaving me with the only option of masturbating but my vibrator is not him, I do not get the same high, I do not get spanked and fucked like a whore, I do not get reminded how defenceless I am. Other than that, I can not help but think about what he is doing or rather who. Is he with someone else, fucking them into oblivion, is he taking out his frustrations on their pussy and not mine? Does some other bitch get to suck his dick? My dick?

Israel left me a mess, a huge needy, slutty mess that only he can clean up. I hate him for it.

My phone chimes.

Asshole-dickface: Hey Princess

Me: Fuck off

Asshole-dickface: what's wrong Princess?

Me: I miss you

Asshole-dickface: I miss you too, Princess. I will see you tonight.

Me: I have something tonight...

Asshole-dickface: Afterwards.

Me: Okay, I have to go.

I put my phone in my clutch. I will change his name later, he earned a name change, maybe Papi? Daddy? I do not know yet.

I never liked this event but I was forced to attend. They never give the Pre-primary teachers anything yet here we are. The night took its time and I was beginning to regret why I am here. I could have been with Israel and his big dick.

Oh, how I have missed it. How it feels, how he tastes and how he sounds when he moans and groans, the sound of his palm hitting my butt cheeks, his hand around my neck, the sounds of me gasping for air as he forces me to take his cock.

I press my legs together because I am getting a little too wet thinking about Israel and his huge member. I am so wet right now. I tell Palesa that I am leaving. She nods and I am on my way home to make sure Daddy finds his pussy in pristine conditions, pulsating for him.

I send him a video of my boobs with the caption ready for you
Since when did I become a vixen? Since Israel.

I find the red lingerie that I have been dying to wear, too bad he is going to rip it off me. I stand in the mirror making sure I look good. No make-up on my face, my boobs look great and so does my ass. I left the door unlocked for when he gets here. He said he was a few minutes away.

In a few minutes, I am about to get that good dick! You got this girl, you can take it. I want him everywhere. The kitchen, the couch, the bathroom, my bed, the floor, the shower, the wall, everywhere.

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