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You're the air that I breathe to survive - Beyoncé Knowles-Carter


''What was that about?"

"She was getting on my nerves." I slap his shoulder.

"It's okay, baba." his parents continue learning about me and I about them. It is not long before they head to sleep and Israel and I follow them. They are sleeping in the guest room two doors away from us.

"We need to do the shoot before new year's and Mandy, my publicist thinks it's best to share the news after the gala we are attending." I am sitting on his pelvis while he is laying down.

"I should have never said yes." He spanks my ass.

"It will be fun, trust me, plus with the engagement announcement out of the way, you get to decide when you want the wedding to happen and how you want it to be."

"Is there no deadline as to when you should get married?"

"No, with the engagement out there they will just wait until I fulfil my promise." His hands travel up my thighs.

"Israel, your parents are down the hall."

"They won't hear you, I promise." Yes, they will.

"Israel..." His fingers massage my vulva "...dont stop doing that." My need for pleasure needs to be controlled. I place my hands on his chest. I feel his finger go in, followed by a second before I feel his fingers around my walls. "Oh God, just like that." I pull my shirt off to caress my breasts, I tilt my head back as I feel my climax coming.

"Cum for me baby." I look into his eyes before I feel my legs quivering and release wash over me.

"That was good. You want to go make those fries?" He lets out a chuckle before nodding.

I am in his tee and my socks, I go to Tidal and press play. Practice what you preach by the wonderful Barry White comes on.

"Bold song choice." He says as he takes out the fries from the freezer.

"It's just you and me, so many things I can do to you, in so many ways I can't believe." I sing as he puts the fries in a bowl.

"Here I am baby, practice what you preach." He turns to face me as he sings along to the song.

"Sing for me," I say grabbing the oil and spice from the cabinet.

"No, I will sing with you but not for you."

"Why?" I place them on the counter before taking out a pot and placing it on a stove.

"You think you can get me to do anything for you, your power has limits, your majesty." I let out a giggle before hugging him from behind.

"Caught up in the rapture of love, nothing else can compare when I feel the magic of you." I feel him relax into the hug before he continues rinsing the fries.

"You should sing for me, the nicest thing you did for me was on Christmas, when you finally said yes, be a romantic and seduce me with your voice."

"What do you want me to sing for you?" He ponders on it.

"I put a spell on you, Nina Simone."

"You are lucky, I know it. Let me prepare my voice." I make some space between us.

"You know I can't stand it
You're running around
You know better Daddy
I can't stand it 'cause you put me down
Yeah, yeah
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine

You know I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you anyhow
And I don't care
If you don't want me
I'm yours right now" I stop to laugh, I mean what I am saying, every single word.

"Why did you stop, I was getting into it." He laughs as he continues drying the potatoes.

"Singing in front of you makes me want to laugh." He placed the stove on high heat. "Singing with you is different. I want to sing with you." My voice sounded more juvenile with every word.

"You want to sing with Daddy 'cause you are his?" Insufferable, he is unbearable.

"Do you enjoy making me nervous?"

"Favourite pass time, please hand me another bowl." I hand him another bowl in which he puts his fries.

"Sometimes I look at you and I wonder what you see in me," I say looking at my toes.

"I see you and I like you." he shrugs.

"That's it?"

"Pretty much. Mimma, you are amazing. You are so different to everything I have ever known but you are also everything I have ever wished for. You are kind even when you don't have to be, you are intelligent, obstinate, compassionate, resilient and incomparable. For all those reasons and more, I am and will forever be grateful to have you in my life." He places a kiss on my forehead

"You love me."

"I do, more than I would ever be able to express." silence falls on us and he continues making his fries.

We head back into his bedroom and get ready to watch The Hitman's Bodyguard.

"I need to be back in Norfolk by the tenth of January." His eyes are wide but his face is stoic.

"So soon."

"Yes. Don't worry, I will be back by March and we get to talk weddings and all of that for a week then I am gone again for three months.

"Why can you not just marry me now and stay here?"

"Just as much as you love your job, I love mine. Don't worry, the year will go like a breeze." Placing a kiss on his nose "We forgot to bring Ice cream."

"I will go to fetch it." he goes to the kitchen while I get comfortable. I wish life could be as peaceful ad this moment.


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