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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller


"So you still up for America?"

"Yeah, you still want me there?"

"Of course. I can't be without you for long."

"You didn't see me for a month, remember." this man seems to think that we all have money to play with.

"So that I can spend most of my time with you. I had to transition things so that we can have uninterrupted fun, those books you read to make it seem like CEOs can do what they want, we can't."

"Glad to know. Why are you frustrated?" He was not shouting at me but his word choice felt a little loud.

"Work, as always." I feel like he lying, I mean why would he tell me the truth?

"Just work, you sure?" He chuckles.

"Fortunately, it is just work." I drop the subject and continue eating.

"What season is it in America now?"

"It is currently winter." He keeps eating, of course, all he ever wears are those bloody suits.

"When are we leaving?" Silence


"Israel!" I get up and I go check if I can still wear my winter coats. Idiot, dumb face!

"What's wrong?"

"I have to pack, for like two months' worth of clothing and I also have to co-ordinate the damn clothes! You piece of work!" I hear him laugh.

"Don't stress, I will buy you anything you want as a token of my apology." I narrow my eyes.

"You can't buy my forgiveness but I will let this slide. Not forgiving you though, you have to grovel for that."

"Me? Beg? Never, my little goddess." He watches me try to pack and have a ton of breakdowns.

"You hate me."

"The plane leaves when you get on it okay? Take your time. I am going to eat." He eats a lot. I manage to pack for like a week or two but beyond that, I'm going to have to wash these clothes.

I called Pali, both she and Kevin are gonna see me before I leave so they should be here any minute now.

"Get a damn shirt, my friend is coming over."

"Why do you abuse me so?" He laughs as he puts on a white shirt.

"I can't be drooling over you in public, I have a reputation to maintain." He stalks over to me

"Do you?" He kisses my cheek before leaving hickeys on my neck. The doorbell is what stopped him.

"I so want to come with you but his parents want to see us." Pali loves Kevin's family and they love her, I want that.

"Another time, just you and me, Vegas and guess what, they will never know." Did I just think of Israel as long-term? Oh my word, no. You will get that pretty heart broken.

"Totally, but still enjoy it while I enjoy the Swiss and their chocolate and cheese. I want pictures, Israel, you better take pictures of her every day. I need a daily update."

"What are you going to do? Create a scrapbook?" I suggest

"Not a bad idea, your next birt..." no

"I can't believe I gave you that idea." She is going to throw yet another big party and show everyone pictures of me.

"I will throw a small one this time. Me, you, Kevin, Israel, my parents and that's it."

"No one else?" She nods, sceptical but I agree. My best friend can go overboard at times.

"Anyway, where are you guys going?" I look to Israel.

"New York, Miami, and somewhere else."

"Don't kill my friend or I will kill you. I'll have you skipping rope with your intestines for my mourning relief." Why, why are we friends? How?

"Noted." Not phased at all, he just keeps looking at me.

"Have you heard from Tyson?" I ask Pali because Tyson isn't speaking to me.

"Saw him the other day at Black Beans. He seems okay, lonely but okay."

"That's so sad. I wish I could stay but he still gives me creepy vibes."

"Me too. I wonder if he has an obsession?"

"He probably does, it suits him."

"I'm sure he doesn't, we are trying to make him look like a villain, maybe he is just a lonely cat guy or dog?"

"More cat than dog."

"I saw this other cute dog and I just want one but Kevin over here thinks it's too soon for a dog. I was confused, but I am still working on getting him to agree with me. I want one and I am going to get one." She whispers to me.

"I honestly have not given pets a second thought since we lost Humpty." He was such an amazing dog.

"Don't remind me! Poor Humpty, he lost out on a good life because we were reckless parents."

"Not we, you. You better love your next dog or I'm going to kidnap them from you."

"Sure, I can't wait to get another pet, another baby and this time I can do it. Hopefully, I won't kill him."

"You won't. Humpty got away, you didn't kill him. You can do this, just pay attention."

"I will, the hard job is convincing him. He is just so bossy."

"True, remember when he didn't want you to go to Evan's party back in high school."

"Yeah, and you were dating that dick, Setsoto."

"Don't remind me, I regret it and I cringe all the time when I remember that guy. Ugh, what did I see in him?

"I honestly don't know but don't ever do that again. Isn't it time for you guys to leave?" I look at the clock, it flashes 21:50

"Let me ask Israel." He went to take a call in my room. He is sitting on my bed with his hand on his face. I come behind him, sliding my hands on his chest, he looks at me.

"Look let me do something really quick, I will look at it and get back to you when I touch down." He looks stressed. "You ready to go?" I nod and he leaves a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, are your friends still here?" I nod and giggle. "Say goodbye and we will leave. I have another phone call to make." I kiss his cheek before doing as asked.

"Bye, dude. See you when I come back."

"You better not come back pregnant." Kevin jests.

"She won't. Bye, baby. I love you, tell that block of yours I say bye and he better remember what I said."

"When he gets off that phone, I will tell him." I kiss her goodbye before closing the door.

He asked his driver to come to fetch my things. I leave my key with Mrs Henning, my sweet neighbour, she always keeps my key and knows that the only other person who can have it is Pali.

When Kevin's parents stay over at their place, they sometimes come here for some alone time, they sleep in the guest bedroom.

I want to stay but I would get bored.


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