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 Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
-Marilyn Monroe


Nathan and Israel have been teaching me how to use a gun and a knife, Israel mentioned that when we get back home, he will be getting someone to teach me how to defend myself because "it only gets worse from here on" I did not understand but I understood at the same time.

"When are you going to propose?" I ask of Nathan as we walk into his hallway

"Soon, just thought I would do it after the twins are born."

"Do it as soon as possible and as romantic as you can."

"How did Ciro do it?"

"He handed me a contract, so do not do that. Take her somewhere nice, have live entertainment and things she likes, tons of food that way she can not say no and ask the question while she is eating, have a videographer and photographer too."

"Great advice, will try. Did he really do that?"

"Yep, my man has no romance bone in his body."

"I second that." We laugh at our shared experience with Israel Ciro Rumming.

"Why do you call him Ciro?"

"That's his first name, that's the name we grew up using, he has always been Ciro, then he started doing business and he became Israel to the world and you." That hurt, I will not lie, makes me feel ordinary and not worth the effort.

"How did you two meet?"

"Through the man he is about to kill and that is a story that only he can tell you."

"Thank you." He nods. I head to the room we were staying in.

"Are you done?" He asks as I stand on the threshold.

"Yeah, are you ready to leave?"

"Most definitely." I nod as he takes our bags off the bed and we head out. We say our final goodbyes before heading to the hangar.

We get in the plane when we are up in the air, he hands me a gun and switchblade.

"I can not have you stay here so you will come with me, anything seems off, you shoot first, ask questions never. There should not be a need for you to defend yourself but just in case." I nod. "Listen, it is going to be okay, in and out but you stay by my side, glued to my back." He kisses my forehead.

"How come everyone calls you Ciro?" His eyebrows furrow, he wants to anticipate where my question comes from.

"Long story short, it is my first name."

"Why do I know you as Israel?"

"What do you want to call me?"

"I am used to Israel, I love Ciro too though, I'm just a little insecure about the fact that everyone you have known for years and those dear to your heart call you Ciro, it makes me feel like an outsider who is not near and dear to your heart."

"You call me Israel because I have bad associations with Ciro, I mean people like Enzo know me as Ciro, I wanted you to call me by something they would not, that is why I introduced myself as Israel and not Ciro. You can call me Ciro but I love when you call me Israel, in your amazing accent." I giggle before lightly hitting his shoulder.

"I do not have an accent," I say while positioning myself to straddle him

"Yes you do, it is one of the cutest things about you, my love." He grabs my ass while staring longingly into my eyes, he is my summer fantasy,

"I love you."

"Ah, hearing you say those three words makes me complete, I feel whole." He kisses my neck.

"You ignite my senses when you talk in that low, hoarse voice." He lets out a chuckle

"Your senses huh? Is that all I do?" He makes his register even deeper, I cup his face before placing my lips on his, my other hand moves into his hair. He reclines the seat before moving my panties to the side and pressing on my clit.

He caresses my labia slowly, gently, before inserting two fingers into my pulsating vagina, I break our kiss to moan and he brings his lips to mine, as his pace deepens and my climax approaches, I hold him tighter and closer and he seems to enjoy it.

"Keep going like that, I am going to cum." I say breaking our kiss and barely being able to breathe.

"Cum for Daddy." Sir, do I need to sit on your face, I swear this man drives me insane. I grind on his fingers as he presses on my G-spot, he takes out my breast and begins sucking it.

"Oh fuck me, Israel!" I say as my cum goes all over his fingers. He brings his fingers to my mouth and I lick them while keeping eye contact. When done he sticks his thumb in my mouth and I suck on it.

"My best distraction." He whispers to me

"I aim to please." He chuckles before placing his lips on mine and pulling me close to him leaving no space between us but the uncomfortable barrier of our skin. "I love you Mr Rumming." I continue kissing him.

"I love you Ms Mokhoro. More than words could explain."

We gaze into each other's eyes, hoping time never starts again, he has the deepest brown eyes, I want to look away but I know that is just insecurity speaking, this man loves me and I love him with every fibre of my being, I would give my life for him even if he would not do the same. I am in love, madly, dangerously and furiously.

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