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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. -Steve Jobs


"Remember to give your parents the slip. See you all next week." They all leave except for two little boys. "Colt and Dan, why are you still here?"

"Our mom said she is going to be late today and we don't want to wait outside."

"Oh, well you can stay in here. I have work to do. You can play with the toys." I stay with the boys till their mother arrives.

"Thank you Ms Mokhoro, I was held up at work."

"It is no problem, Mrs Campbell. See you boys, next week." They leave and I clean up the mess the boys left behind. Jack Taylor walks in.

"I saw you were babysitting the Campbell boys, why?"

"Their mother was held up so I let them stay in here. Is there something wrong with that Jack?"

"No, not at all. I saw you on the news." News? Me?

"What did they say?"

"Nothing much just that you are running around with a billionaire."

"This concerns you because?"

"He is ten years your senior."

"This concerns you because?" It does not.

"What do your parents say about this? How do they feel about the age gap between you two?"

"They don't mind, as long as I am happy. My love life has nothing to do with how I do my job and therefore you should stay out of it. I don't care if it is on the news or not." He storms out and leaves me to enjoy the tranquillity of a quiet classroom.

"Strawberry cheesecake and a large coffee, please."


"Tyson, did not know this town was this small."

"It truly is. Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Yeah, I don't think so, why?"

"I would like to take you out, on a date."

"Straight to the point. Where to?"

"Ceasar's at eight."

"Okay, see you at eight then."

"Can I get your phone number?" I insert my number on his phone before he makes his way out of the café.

As I walk into the restaurant, I spot him easily, he sits in a black suit, no tie and a white shirt.

"Didn't think you would come."

"I was worried about that too."

"I am glad that you did. So what do you do for a living?"

"I am a pre-primary school teacher, what do you do?"

"I am a police officer."

"Really? Oh my word, I would have guessed you were a fireman. How old are you?"

"I am twenty-three and you?"

"Twenty-one, graduated early this year. Have you always wanted to dawn the uniform?"

"No, actually when I was younger, I wanted to be a soldier, then I thought about my family and I could not leave them behind so I decided to be a policeman and I am loving it. Did you always see yourself teaching kids?"

"Yes, I did. I always wanted to teach little kids, when everyone was dreaming of being a doctor, I wanted to be a school teacher. Kids are the best, especially when they have not reached maturity yet."

"You want a child of your own?"

"Yes, one day, somewhere long in the future."

"How many?"

"Like three or four. You, what does your perfect family look like?"

"One or two children, I always wanted to live somewhere coastal."

"Me too, that way every day feels like a holiday."

"That's what I was thinking." He places his hand on mine and the conversation flows.

"I had a good time, tonight."

"I enjoyed myself for the first time in a long time, thank you for your company Paris. Hopefully, we can do this again."


"Sure will."

Tonight was amazing but Tyson is not my person, maybe there is no 'person', like I did not get the feeling that this is it. He is great but he is not for me.


Definitely not him, I would die. Sure he is amazing in bed but he is too cocky and he is thirty-three, making him eleven years my senior.

You didn't seem to mind when you were screaming his name.

That was before I knew his age, let alone his last name. Rumming, when I searched for all his girlfriends all I saw were models, I don't compete.

They were models but you are the one he asked to marry.


So what? They still get to think it isn't contractual.

No. I am not doing it. Israel can go look for someone else who will play along, not me.

The doorbell chimes. I hope it is the delivery guy, I ordered Mcdonalds'.

"Good eve- you? Get in." I roll my eyes at the sight of Israel. This man bores me but he does make my pussy throb.


"What do you want Israel?"

"You know what I want." He makes himself comfortable on my couch.

"Yeah, and you heard my answer."

"I did but I am not going to take it to mind."

"Israel, you hones-" The doorbell rings. "-wait there." I open the door and it is my food. I pay the delivery man and close the door.

"You want to go get some real food?"

"I wanted my fries."

"You can eat it later, get a jacket or something."

"Israel, who says I want to go anywhere with you?"

"I did, now please Princess, get a jacket unless you want to leave dressed like that." It is not that cold outside and he will probably pick a place with heating so my blue pyjama set is good for me.

"Fine, let's go." I grab my phone and keys. "Where are we going?" Hopefully not Ceasar's.

"Out of town."

"How far out of town?" Why did I leave my food for this lunatic? Why am I here? Why am I allowing him to buy me food? Why?

"An hour away."

"Can I at least get a sandwich, I am starving and you took me away from my food."

"We can get one at the hanger."

"Where exactly are we going?"


"Israel, tell me you are joking or lying."

"I'm not." Oh, my word I am underdressed, I hate this. Joburg is cold at night!


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