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The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.  -Audrey Hepburn

His hands roam my body as his tongue celebrates dominance in my mouth. Kisses along my jawline and they move to my chest, a giggle leaves my lips as he flicks my nipple.

"Mimma, I thought we got your squirming under control."

"You know I can not control myself when I had wine," I whine as he stares into my eyes, even in this dimly lit hotel room, his eyes are the most beautiful thing I have set my sights on.

"Try." He orders capturing my lips to stop the objections he knew were coming. Relaxing into the bed and he pulls away with kisses leading to my vulva.

He pulls me closer to him using my thighs, I take a breath in when I feel his thumb on my clit, his hand resting on my abdomen.

His tongue stroking on my vulva before he starts licking my vaginal opening and sticking his tongue into my opening. A whimper escapes my lips

"Ciro," I whine as he pleases me. He inserts his fingers into me while he sucks on my clit, "Oh, Israel, please." He looks up to see my face as he brings me ecstasy. "Israel." I moan out as my nectar fills his fingers. He licks my cum from his fingers before placing them in my mouth. He places his tip at my entrance, he looks at me for approval and I nod.

"Oh, God." We say in unison and I can not help but giggle. He smiles and pinches my cheek before kissing my forehead. He starts slow and hard, making me feel nearly every inch of him and urgency.

"Israel!" I groan as he grips my waist harder as he keeps thrusting into me.

"You can take it." I am about to cum because this man did not just order me to take him and he knows he is big.

I feel my orgasm approaching and he can see it, he keeps the pace and I cum all over his dick. I try to take a moment to breathe and he increases his pace, trying to finish.

He groans "Mimma, stop doing that." A smile forms on my face as I wrap my legs around him. He plants a kiss on my lips before I feel him cum inside me. He takes a moment before taking his dick out of me.

I get up and push him onto the bed, my pussy is throbbing at the thought of him inside me. I hover above his head before placing a kiss on his neck, leading to the back of his ear, he grabs my hips

"I am taking the lead so lay there and let me please you," I tell him before connecting our lips. He smiles into the kiss and moves his hands from my thighs, I break up the kiss and gaze at him,

"Please me." He could never let me take the lead, him and his assertive self. I hold his dick and I use the tip to please me and I can see the frustration building in my impatient man, he wants to thrust into me but he wants to let me do what I want.

I stop playing with him and take his length in, with a bit of difficulty but nothing major. He lets out a groan. I start slowly getting used to him before I increase my speed trying my best not to bend him too much. When I feel him get closer I get off of him and take his dick in my mouth.

"I fucking love when you do that." He groans as I look at him while making his dick touch the back of my throat. "I am going to cum." I keep sucking him off.

He cums at the back of my throat, filling my mouth. I swallow before laying on his stomach.

"Did you like that?" He sits up and puts me on his lap.

"I loved it. Let's go get you cleaned up for bed." He pulls me closer to him and I wrap my legs and arms around him.

"Have I told you I love you, today?" He shakes his head. "Seriously? Well, I love you and I would do anything for you, I hope you know that." He helps me into the water before joining me. After washing and rinsing me off, we lay in the water, talking.

"I hope I did not scare you today?"

"No, I understood. You know I understand you." He trails kisses along my shoulder.

"I know you do but still, that was a day you were looking forward to, and my antics turned it ugly."

"It was our day, your antics are annoying but it was still a special day for me, I loved it and the guests enjoyed it and you get to join that stupid membership of yours."

"It is not stupid, it got you to marry me."

"No, it got you to find your way of asking me out, your personality got me to marry you and that dick game is pretty convincing if you ask me."

"I feel objectified."

"I am sorry baby. Your personality and just your personality is what made me marry you. It is amazing like that."

"I love when you call me anything but my name." I giggle,

"I love when you make me laugh, I love when you make me feel good. I love when you give me the time of day to be crazy and weird, I love when you kiss me, when you suck on my breasts and when you do that thing with your tongue, I love it all." I confess as I put his hands on my boobs.

"You are breaking my walls, Tesoro. There is only so much a man can take." I turn to face him, some water splashes out of the bath.

"There is only so much a woman can take, plus wanted to give my old man a break." He looks stunned.

"Old man?" I nod and use my doe eyes to look at him. He gets up, I look at him from this angle "Get up." I use his legs to stand up and his dick touches my boobs as I stand up. "Get onto the bed." I get out of the bath and make my way on to bed.

"I swear to God, you are not allowed to call me old, I am barely 40."

"If it helps, I called you my old man."

"And you are repeating it, do you even love me?"

"You want me to show you again?"

"No, because I am going to show you that I am not an old man, keep your love to yourself." I laugh as he rants.

"My body is your canvas, show me how young you are."

"Remember your safe word?"

"Yep." Purple. He nods.

"Don't move, don't make a noise." I nod. As he holds me down there is a knock on our door at 4 am as my husband is about to assert his dominance. "Sometimes I hate the universe." He grabs a towel and I grab my gown. We head to the door.

"Good morning Officers." He greets the officers and allows them in. I stand at the threshold, waiting for them to leave and for my husband to come back to bed with me.

"We are here to arrest you, sir, would you please get dressed and we head to the station."

"For what?" We ask

"The attempted murder of Riccardo Rumming." What the fuck is going on?

"He pressed charges?"

"That he did. We were asked to handle you nicely but we still have a job to do."

"Chief?" They nod and he nods. He walks past me and heads to the closet. I walk to him and tears start streaming down my face. "Oh baby, don't cry, I will be okay and out before you know it." I nod. He pulls me close to him and kisses my forehead. He puts on sweatpants and a hoodie. "I love you and call Josh as soon as you have had some sleep." I nod and he heads out with the police. I immediately call Aly and she tells Nathan about the situation.

My husband is in jail on our wedding night and the day we are supposed to go on our honeymoon, what a fucked up turn of events.


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