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Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


It has been three weeks since our last conversation. He looks the same but I don't see him the same and he sees it. I am going home today, meaning I will be needing tons of his help.

I love him, I know I do but do I just forget what he is capable of, do we just push the skeletons back into the closet?

"Can you help me out?" The nurse brought the wheelchair in and is waiting for me to get on it. Israel offers his hand and I am safely in the wheelchair.

Most of my wounds have healed and my ribs were only cracked but not broken. I am mostly okay. My cuts are healing well and I can do everything by myself but I love having him waiting on me. We get to the car and he helps me in the car and he smells so good, it was hard keeping my face straight.

"Thank you." He nods before getting into the driver's seat. He drives out of the hospital and makes his way out of the city. "Is this how you have planned to get rid of me?" Terrible joke, awful joke but the silence is killing me, I had to endure it for three weeks.

"Yeah because this is definitely my style." The sarcasm is not lost on me

"What is your style, you strangle and bury them, you cut them up, shoot them execution-style, huh, what exactly is your style, Israel?" He stops the car on the side of the road before looking at me.

"What is it you want to get off your mind?"

"What do you mean?"

"What is bothering you about the fact that I kill people? Do you want to know the details or something?" No, hard pass. This bothers me, how are we speaking about this as though he slaughters livestock?

"Nothing about it bothers me, that's what bothers me!" I need a moment.

"Oh, so the fact that your precious conscious decided to take an off day is the reason you are going at me?" He raises his voice slightly

"Yes, normal people are not in love with murderers!"

"There are many people in love with murderers at this exact moment! You are not that peculiar darling." He slumps in his seat, looking away from me, look at me! See me! See beyond this!

"You deserve to be in jail!" That was petty of me, a low blow, his pretty face does not deserve jail.

"Oh fuck you!"

"Oh, trust me I want you to!" What the fuck did I just say? This is why we can never have a conversation because I am a horny bastard.

"So now you want to fuck me but you were condemning me to jail a few seconds ago." He leans in, I can feel his breath fanning over my lips.

"I was angry and irrational." He pulls away.


"Only about that statement, I meant it, I do want to fuck you." He hums in agreement before he switches the car off. Thank God for dresses, as I make my way to his seat, he drops the back lower.

He wraps his fingers around my neck before yanking me to his lips. He has tinted glasses so no one can see what is going on. His fingers ignited love back into me, his tongue controlled my storm and calmed the waves of my ocean. His scent brought the greenery back to my forest, everything began floating away, all that mattered was how uncomfortable this dress was on me and how I could feel his dick through my panties, I pull away and he hauls me back in.

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