•29 Israel POV

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Destiny isn't given to us but it is the path we choose


"We have been looking for a month, at this point, with no ransom offer, it is only best that we assume the worst."

"She is not dead."

"Sir?" people should learn to whisper better

"She is not dead. I know she is not dead."

"Sir, we have no leads, no ransom. We have to turn this over to the cold case division."

"She is not dead! Are you not listening to me?! Is no one listening to me?"

"Israel, I think it would be best if you went home." I do not like Tyson, I never did and when I tried to get him off the case, the captain told me that I could not.

"My wife is not dead and when I get her back, you will all be out of jobs." as storm out of the police station, I pull a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket along with a lighter.

Knowing her, she would probably scold me for this. Thinking of her breaks my heart. I had quit the habit more than ten years ago but I needed an escape from constantly seeing her face and feeling like a failure.

Everyone keeps saying that I should prepare for the worst and I refuse to believe she could die, she is a fighter. I need her to come back to me, I need her to be alive, I am nothing without her.

"Goncharov, Hello?"

"It's Ciro."

"Ty suka!" [Translation: You Bitch!]

"Let's skip the niceties, I need your help."

"I was waiting for this call."

"I thought I could do it by myself but money can not solve this one."

"Don't worry, you can buy my help."

"How much?"

"Half a billion."

"How much?"

"My help is expensive, Pozhiloy chelovek." [Translation: Old Man.]

"Fine. I will pay you."

"If I knew it would be this easy to make half a b, I would have taken her myself."

"Nathan, please."

"I will get on it, right now."

"Poka." [Translation: Bye]

"Poka, suka." [Translation: Bye, bitch]

Nathan and I go way back and it has been a few years since I have seen him. If there is one person I trust to bring her back to me it is him but I worry that he will hold it against me but Paris is more important than any debt I may accumulate.

I remember the first time I saw her, gorgeous in her blue dress, she was remarkable. I moved to sit next to her at the bar, I got her a drink and she asked if I wanted something for the drink. I was honest, I wanted her company, I was looking to escape my life for a moment and she did exactly that but we somehow ended up in my suite and I have no idea how that came to be.

"Do you want to do this?" She looks at me

"Yes, do you have a condom?" I search my pockets, the one time I need one it is not here. Fuck my life.

"Nope." She rolls her eyes.

"Thank God for birth control, fuck the condom." She pulls on my tie and places her lips on mine. A spark ignited and I grabbed her legs, wrapped them around my waist.

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