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"Paris, you are bleeding." He says calmly as I get up from the seat. Panic flushes to my face and I go mute. Israel calls Michele and scoops me up.

I am losing my baby, why? What did I do? Why am I losing another baby? God, why?

"I don't feel so well?" It all slowly blurs until I see and feel nothing.

Flutters come back, fragments of my sight not everything at once, first came the hearing then the taste and touch then the smell all before sight.

Israel is here, he is sobbing, lightly of course. My mouth is dry and there is a metallic taste, I am wearing a thin material, nothing that I went to the office in, I am in the hospital, and the smell of cleanliness confirms it. Slowly open my eyes and hope it is not too bright in here. I try to turn away from the light but my neck is stiff.

"Uh, um." He looks up at my face and smiles painfully. He hands me the water and helps me drink it. I look up at the ceiling and wish the earth would swallow me. "They're gone? I had a miscarriage?"

"Yeah." His voice cracks "You could have been gone too, your heart stopped twice."

"It is all the same."

"No, it is not, I would rather have you, alive than a million babies."

"I just want one, one chance to be able to do what I was born to do!"

"You are not a baby maker, you were not born to make babies, you were born to be you! Goddammit"

"This was my dream, Israel, my dream, get the job you want, had that, lost it. Get the guy of your dreams, I have that, then have babies with him, I can't, two tries and the second one nearly took me out. It may not have been your dream to have children but it was certainly mine."

"You can still have children, you are twenty-three, you have a long life ahead of you."

"I nearly died today, a long life is not something we are guaranteed." He glares at me,

"I am going to give you a minute because you need it and because I definitely need it."

"A minute will not change the fact that we can not have our cake and eat it too." He stops and when I think he is going to turn his back, he walks out.

A few deep breaths and an hour later, he walks back in, with food. He hands me my food and sits down.

Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence.

I have nothing to say but my heart feels heavy. I eat my food and we still have not spoken a word. The doctor came in and filled the silence before she left again. I am free to leave. We walk to the car and drive all the way home without a single letter leaving our lips.

"I need to go somewhere, I will be back and we can talk about it all." I nod, he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and places a kiss on my crown. "I love you, Paris, with all of me." He lets go and walks out. I stand in position for a few moments before I take a bag out of the closet.

I pack a few of my clothes and make a few phone calls. I pull out his notepad and write him a note.

When I am done, I head out and have Dashawn drop me off at the hangar but also told him he can not tell Israel about this unless he asks and to tell him about the letter I left for him.

Israel's POV

Why can she not see how much more she is to the world than a baby maker, it does not make sense to me. Deep breaths.

"Jaskier, thank you for arranging that meeting."

"Don't sweat it, thank that wife of yours, I have never seen my brother so scared of someone." We laugh as we share drinks at his bar.

"She is something."

"Where did you find her?"

"She found me and then I tracked her down and asked her to marry me."

"That seems like a long story short approach."

"That's the beginning of the story, Jask, met her at a bar, she came on to me, we had sex, then I tracked her down and asked her to marry me, she said no and I negotiated my way into seeing her more and of course, once she met the family she said yes."

"Sounds like a movie, you make sure you keep her if she will go to those crazy lengths to get you out of jail."

"I will, how are things with Latvia?"

"She broke up with me, she can't deal with my cheating ways." We laugh at his woes and drink a bit more.

"Why did your brother send her that gift?"

"He didn't send her a gift."

"We got a box with the presidential seal and his signature on the note, it had all my things, the ones I took to prison with me, they told me they were lost, it also had my case file."

"I don't know man but I will ask for you." I nod and we continue our conversation until I realise that I need to go home, I can not avoid the matter any longer.

Soon I am on my way home, to talk to my wife. Still can not believe we are married.

I walk into our bedroom and she is not there, she can not be in the kitchen, I was just in there.

"Paris!" I call out, no response. "Mimma?" No response. I pull out my phone "Samson, where is Paris?"

"She left earlier and has not come back yet, Sir." Calm

"Okay, who drove her?" I was with Michele.

"Dashawn Carter, Sir."

"Can you ask him where they are?"

"Yes, Sir." I hang up and go to the kitchen to make myself something to eat, I hated that about prison, the timed eating times.

"Sir, he says he took her to the hangar and she said that she left a note for you in your office." She what?

"Thank you, Samson." I walk into my office and there it is her note.


Before you panic and think I left you, I have not. You and I are still very much married and in love but I need to rediscover who I am if I am not able to be the perfect wife and mother. I have lost myself in loving you.

I need to find Paris again, I need to find who I was before you, to find out where I want my life to go and I can not do that in New York or America. I am on my way to Ethiopia, don't worry I will be safe and okay, Pali and I have a few friends that side.

I will be okay, my love and I will come back to you, when, I do not know but I will come back to you. Don't try to find me, I will contact you.

I could not say this to your face because then I would have stayed, I am sorry I could not give you one last kiss and one last look before I left but when I get back you will be able to kiss me again and look at me all you want.

I love you Mr Rumming, with every fibre of my being and every thought my brain could ever muster.

Love Mrs Rumming, your wife.


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