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Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Pali, when will you get here?"

"Two hours, Kevin had to buy a few things and I also had to get these amazing bridal magazines and I am so excited to plan this wedding with you on an unlimited budget!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I know what I want and your vision needs to go with mine."

"Agh okay. Look I need to go, Kevin is back. "

"Hey Paris, how is the engagement?"

"Well, thank you. I have a house, did she tell you?"

"She did tell me. Did he buy it for you as an engagement present?"

"Nope. I needed a bigger place so he volunteered to buy it as he is the reason I need a bigger place."

"Ohhh make him pay sister!" I love Kevin.

"As I should! Okay, get to driving guys so I can plan my wedding!" They laugh and we hang up.

I bring my blanket and I am about to watch an episode of YOU, Love is my favourite character. Soon I feel my eyelids getting heavy and I allow myself to go to sleep.

I feel something in front of me on the couch. I think Pali and Kevin are here. I open my eyes and it is a man, in all black. I want to scream but cloth is placed on my mouth. I fight to breathe and soon everything is getting darker.

Who is he?

"Wake up Paris." I know that voice. I open my eyes slowly. My hands are tied behind my back, I am on a chair, quite an uncomfortable chair, the room has no paint on the walls, there is little to nothing in the room. There are window frames with windows, I think, I hope. Tyson is in front of me.

"Hello, I was not expecting this, is it a joke or prank of some sort? Pali, I know you are there!"

"It is not a prank."

"Wait, what? So you kidnapped me?"

"Yeah." I start screaming. "No one can hear you," I scream a little more before stopping.

"Why have you done this?" Leaning on the wall, he looks at the wall opposite him. Holding a knife in hand, playing with it.

"You chose him." What the fuck?

"What do you mean? Why are you punishing me for that?"

"You should have picked me! I am your mate, not him!"

"Why would you think that?"

"You are on my level not his, you are supposed to choose me! The uniform and the heroism, I attend your stupid movie night and you make me a cuckold."

"The fuck? You kidnapped me because you think you are better than him and I should have picked you?"


"Are you fucking insane?!"

"What are you shouting?"

"I am expressing my anger, I am an expressive person!"

"Tone it down when you speak to me. I am not like him, I do not tolerate disrespect. Your friend has been calling non-stop but your fiance is yet to call or text."

"How do you know about my engagement?"

"It is all over the news." He steps up to me and shows me the articles talking about our engagement.

"Oh. Well, he is on a flight."

"If that helps you sleep at night." Wtf? "What does he have that I don't?"

"A lot."

"Is it the money?" I nod.

"He has loads more money than you but I don't care about that."

"So what is it that made you pick him over me?"

"What made you think you were an option in the first place?" He steps to me and before I can even process what is happening, my cheeks are hurting. He slapped me. "What the fuck! I know for a fact he would never hit me!"

"Do you want me to hit you again?"

"Of course not, you asshole!"

"Stop singing his praises." What in the?

"Why am I here?"

"Because you belong with me because I will not allow him to reduce you to his level."

"What makes you think that?"

"He looks at you like he wants to devour you..." Because he does "like you are something to eat..." A snack for him "You are so much more than that." I look at him as he prances around. "And I am going to make sure you love me, that you want to be with me and I am going to show you who he is."

"What is it you have for me?"

"I have gathered some information and I am going to show you who your prince is, who he truly is."

"You are delusional."

"NO, YOU ARE!" I lean my head back a bit before finally realising that I am stuck with a lunatic and my arms are tied. This is not a game, my life is at stake here. I am not roleplaying with Israel, this is a life-or-death situation.

I am fucked.


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