
978 49 4


True love's the greatest weapon, to win the war caused by pain


"The wedding will go on as planned." He says after breaking the lamp and sitting down.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I will confront them after the wedding, let's not let them take the shine from our wedding." He twirls his pen while avoiding my eyes.

"Baba, they wanted your head, now that I think of it, why did Enzo not kill you when he was here?"

He plays the voice recording that Justin sent.

"Definitely, who is it?" Enzo asks

"He goes by Cyrus, we want his head." Israel's father says

"You got it."

"But wait until a month from now, there is something that is going down in three weeks that we need from him so you can only do it in a months time, not before."

I pause the recording. "What was supposed to happen the week we were on the Italian coastline?" He scratches the back of his head, before gulping.

"A diamond deal was going down, in New York." He scrunches his nose.


"Highly." I was his alibi.

"So you committed two crimes in the space of a week?"

"Sort of."

"And you didn't think to tell your accomplice?"

"Mimma, I did not mean for you to be my accomplice." Well, it happened.

"Guess what I am, even if I was not there, they would have still locked me up to ask if I knew, I am marrying you and your darkness, I made peace with that but I need you to be open. I had two guns pointed at my head, watched your sister get murdered right next to me, her blood on my skin and clothes, watched as you kill two people, next thing I hear that your parents want you dead, Ciro, I am with you but I will leave you if you are not honest with me."

"Okay I understand, from now on, I will be completely honest with you." I place a kiss on his forehead.

"You better, let me eat." He chuckles before eating his food as well.

"So everything is set for the wedding and the rehearsal dinner?"

"Yeah. Pali is on her way here, half your siblings have confirmed that they will be here for the rehearsal dinner and wedding, the others I am not sure. I arranged for Nonna to be brought here and she will be staying here for a while. She said she wants to stay about a week or two after the wedding so I made arrangements for that as well."

"Are you happy with everything?"

"Beyond happy and I can not wait to confess my love for you in front of a bunch of people I do not know." He laughs

"I have to Mimma, they need to see us get married, the entire reason, I came back into your life."

"Oh, that was the only reason?"

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