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Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

At four am, I get a notification, from my husband-to-be.

Are you still awake?

I was still awake, as drunk as I was last night, sleep evaded me because the only thing I wanted was to be around him. Aly and Pali had gone to sleep and I was staring at the TV, hoping it would call sleep to me but it never did.

I am still awake, why?

My husband-to-be was a peculiar man, I could never anticipate his next move all I could ever do was hope he would include me in the planning phase.

Come outside for a min, remember to take the key.

What could he be planning? I grab the key and bolt towards the door, not taking into consideration my mismatched outfit or my shoeless, sock-covered feet. I took a breath and opened the door to stare into the eyes of my fiancé.

"I could not sleep."

"Me neither." He holds out his hand and I place mine in his, he pulls me closer to him.

"The last day you will be referred to as Ms Mokhoro."

"Last day you will be referred to as a bachelor."

"Last day before we become one."

"The last day before we need to disclose everything to each other, do you have any secrets you want to tell?"

"I have told you all I keep near and dear and the skeletons in my closet."

"I hope you have, I would hate for us to start our foundation on sand instead of cement, what are you going to do when you see your parents?"

"I have been avoiding the topic, all I want to do is not ruin your day and your moment with my family issues."

"Our day, our moment, and our family issues let's take it one step at a time and I will be beside you the entire time even when I am across the room, I will be beside you." His arms wrap around my waist and he places his forehead on mine, we take at the moment, relaxing in the presence of each other.

We eventually decided to go get some food. Luckily he had his phone. He locked himself out of our room which is why he reminded me to take the key.

We called Michele and luckily our lovely driver was available. We found an open café, a few minutes away from the hotel. We got in and there was a sugary, coffee-rich scent in the air.

"Good Day, how may I help you today?" The old lady asks with a smile, she reminds me of Nonna.

"Can I please have a hot chocolate with three doughnuts and a buttermilk scone?" She nods

"Black coffee and croissant."

"Coming right up." Israel leads us to a table and opens a seat for me.

"I think the reason I accepted your darkness so abruptly is because I feel as though you have created rollercoasters and joyrides inside of me that no one could ever light up again. They could build new rides and adventures but I would always long to ride the ones you created. I do not want to live a life longing for someone I once had and so I guess I realized no matter what you did, the pleasure and joy you give me would always outweigh that darkness and pain."

"Do you think that is healthy? Do you think that this is a healthy arrangement?" He holds my hand in his.

"No. I don't think my attachment to you is entirely healthy but we can foster a healthy connection, I think I glorify you too much." He chuckles, and peeks into my eyes before mumbling

"You need to take me off that pedestal because I do not deserve that."

"I know and I hope I will, one day." He places a kiss on my hand.

"Have you thought about what you want to do?"

"Career-wise?" He nods "I have, I do not want to work for you, in any capacity. Working with you probably but not for you, that is a terrible business relationship considering my feelings towards you."

"I understand." He nods and places a kiss on my hand

"So I will head up your foundation but you are not my boss, understand?" He nods. The lady drops our order and heads back into the kitchen. "I have a bad feeling."


"The wedding reception, promise me you will control yourself?"

"Don't stress about tomorrow, let's get through tonight please."

"It's okay to be nervous, I just think you won't be this calm when you see them."

"I will try, I promised not to ruin our day and I will do my best."

We enjoy our eats before going back to the hotel.


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