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I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more. - Angelita Lim

"I do not understand why you are not confronting him," Riccardo says a little too loud because we heard.

"We do not know for sure."

"But we can ask, do you want to know or not." We have been here for two hours since the storm warning.

Bria, Alessa, Kira, Viola, Andrea, Matteo, and Dakota are standing in front of us, they take seats near us and pull chairs just to sit next to us.

"How can we help you guys?" He asks

"We have been talking about the case and there are things that do not add up." Viola leads the conversation

"Say what you came here to say, do not spare my feelings just because we are in public." I squeeze his hand.

"Did you orchestrate Gia's murder?"

"This is bullshit. It is my wedding night and you ask me if I ordered a hit on my sister..."

"Yes, how did Enzo leave both you and Paris unharmed and my wife dead?"

"Because he is a psycho if you want to know who likes ordering hits on people, ask your parents now let my wife and I enjoy our fucking night, one more word out of you Dakota, and..." He chuckles

We watch them stand up and go back to their tables.

"The roads are clear," Michele informs, we nod and Israel goes to announce it.

"Thank you to everyone for coming, it has been an amazing night even with all the mishaps, hopefully, we will see you soon." We get hugs and well wishes from the guests until the only people in the room are his parents and his siblings.

"We need to hash this out, why do you say we order for people to get killed?" His father asks.

"Because you did, Dad, you and Mommy dearest asked Enzo to kill Cyrus, I thought to myself, they didn't know until I realized you do know and that is why Gia was in New York, she was coming to tell me about Enzo."

"Why are you trying so hard to prove your innocence, creating fake stories." Israel pulls out his phone and plays the audio. "That, that is not us."

"Yes, it is and you know it is," Israel says standing in front of his father, towering his figure with his stature. "But I get people killed right? I hire people to kill my family. Since you all seem to like the idea that I murdered my sister so much, tell me this, why would I hire the person I hate the most to do it? I could have had one of my people do it or Nathan or even me but you needed a villain you could crucify so you turned off your voice of reason. And you Dakota, say something about me killing my sister again and I will be asking her for forgiveness and stop trying to turn my wife against me."

"You are getting out of hand." His mother says

"Me? Were the two of you not plotting to have me killed? If I had not killed Enzo first you would have had me killed before taking my diamonds, you would kill me over diamonds?"

"It is not what it looks like, let us explain."

"That you value me so little that you would get me killed?"

"We did not know that you are Cyrus!"

"Yes, you did! You named me fucking Ciro, and told me it is Italian for Cyrus, stop fucking lying." I stand beside him and pull him towards me, I notice that he is close to hitting his mother who is arguing with him. "Do you hate me that much?" His voice breaks at the end. I squeeze him, holding on to him as tight as I can.

"No, we do..."

"Don't lie to the boy, Celine." His father says

"Ric, we are not doing this right now."

"Tell him or I will." I had a bad feeling about today

"Tell me what Mom?"

"That you are not his son." His mother looks everywhere but in Israel's direction.

"What?" His siblings exclaim. He remains fixed in position.

"The year that you were conceived, Ric and I were fighting and so I started hanging out with Enzo's father to make him jealous and I fell pregnant with you."

"How do you know he is my father?"

"Because we both asked for a DNA test." His fa... Riccardo answers.

"So you are saying Ciro is not our brother?" Alessa asks

"No, he is. He is our half-brother, right mom?" Bria responds

"That is what I meant," Alessa murmurs but I hear

"Yes, he is."

"One day. One fucking day where I do not need to deal with fucking bullshit, so is that why you had no problem ordering a hit on my head?"

"No, that is not why we..."

"Celine, do not even try to lie." Riccardo is not having it with Celine today.

"I am trying to explain, you explain."

"We wanted your diamonds and we were not going to buy them so killing you was the next best option, you are not my son so I had no problem ordering the hit." Israel nods, he gets out of my grip and heads to his fat... Riccardo.

"I understand, I hope you can understand why I am going to do this." Israel smiles before he connects his fist to Riccardo's jaw, Ric stumbles and Israel wastes no time throwing his punches, everyone is too stunned to try to stop them. Nathan looks like he is staying out of it and so is Kevin.

"To think I fucking looked up to you and you would have me killed for diamonds."

"Someone needs to get him off Ric before he kills him," I scream

"You get him off then," Andre says and I keep quiet.

"Nathan please get him off before he kills him," I ask of Nathan, he sighs before grabbing Israel and pulling him off Ric. "Thank you."

"I hate you two," Israel screams. We head to the reception area for a first aid kit.

Nathan and I sneak glances at each other but we do not speak, Israel is fuming, and Nathan leaves us. Some of the blood smudged on my dress. I clean his wounds before dressing his knuckles. I sit next to him, in silence.

I feel sleep coming, that is how long we have been sitting in silence. He pulls me onto his lap and begins massaging my temple, allowing me to sleep, even in the heat of anger he still thinks about me.

I wake up from being cold. "You cold?" I nod. He stands up and holds my hand and we head into the hall some of his siblings have left. His dad, I mean Ric, and his mom are gone.

"Why are you all still here?" He asks as he takes his blazer and drapes it on my shoulders.

"We wanted to know you are okay, you are still our brother even if you nearly killed our dad."

"Sorry about that. I will be okay, you guys go on and go sleep, we still have a going-away ceremony, tomorrow so get to sleep." We hug everyone as they leave. Pali and Aly must have already left.

The room is filled with the workers cleaning up but everyone we know is gone.

"Ready to go home?

"One last thing." connecting my phone to the speaker before playing Nothing else matters by Metallica.

"Oh, you remembered," he mentioned wanting to dance to this song at least once, figured now would be amazing.

He places his blazer on a chair before holding his hand out. I join our hands and he pulls me closer. He wraps his arms around my waist and we dance to his favorite song.


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