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Bridgette sighed as she ignored the stares from her dorm mates as she packed listening to music blasting from her headphones.

"Staring at me isn't going to change my mind about going back home to live with my Cousin and my Aunt and Uncle, you know?" Bridgette said calmly and amusedly.

The blonde with blue eyes simply crossed her arms at the statement.

"I know it hurt that dirty trick that those idiots pulled on you, but that shouldn't be enough to make you quit music all together

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"I know it hurt that dirty trick that those idiots pulled on you, but that shouldn't be enough to make you quit music all together." The blonde said.

Bridgette smiled calmly as she answered.

"That's not why I'm quitting music, Jessica. I just don't feel as passionate about it anymore as I used to. I love music, I really do, but I'm not feeling as strongly about it as I used to once. I'm going home to live with my family in hopes that maybe stepping away from music for a while will help me figure out if I still want to pursue a career in music and if I do then what kind specifically it is that I want. Plus, my cousin needs me even if she doesn't say anything to me about what might be going on." Bridgette explained calmly but reassuringly.

Jessica sighed softly while the other two girls (a brunette and a redhead) tried to argue with Bridgette to stay.

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"Cassidy, Wendy, that's enough okay? She's not feeling as strongly or as certain about going after a career in music as she used to

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"Cassidy, Wendy, that's enough okay? She's not feeling as strongly or as certain about going after a career in music as she used to. We can't make her stay and force herself to pursue something that she's not fully invested in anymore. We are all still friends and can stay in touch through emails and letters."

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