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Hey everyone!

So I'm back writing fanfictions on for the first time in forever ago! (And posting this story here belatedly too) I am still going to continue my Fairy Tail rewrite fanfic (On FanFiction.Net) but updates will take a while because I try to make sure to follow the original canon timeline as much as possible without excluding some effect and changes caused by the inclusion of my OCs in the story.

For now, I have rewatched all of the first three seasons of Miraculous and I really want to write off some of my upset from the season three finale.
I'm currently waiting for the fourth season to be available on Netflix where I watch the show so please...


Also, I love Kagami and Luka, so no hate on them please. I actually ship Kagami and Luka together. They would just work somehow. She's always tense and finding it hard to show how she really feels outwardly. But Luka is relaxed and while he has his pwn troubles expressing himself verbally, he's good at reading people and helping them relax, smile, and even just to be heard. He's caring enough too that I think he would be very good for her just like she would be good for him with how she could probably help him become a bit more confident in expressing himself and keeping him focused and driven.

I also ship Chlonath (Chloe x Nathaniel)

So no hate for Chloe or Nathaniel either please.

Okay, so... My description was probably pretty weird, so here's a full summary:

In which Marinette's estranged cousin's Bridgette who has been away at an arts boarding school on a full-ride scholarship returns to Paris at the same time Adrien's cousin Felix moves to Paris with him when his Mother dies as his own father is also dead. Lila starts becoming more of a problem, and Marinette struggles to keep herself together. Will Marinette snap? What will happen? Read to find out.

Okay, so that's basically as good as I got for this one without spoiling the story.

Please be sure to comment after reading the chapters. Comments help me get ideas for future chapters that I may have missed when I first think up.

Anyway, onto the disclaimers!


1) This story will feature the following couples

-Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette)
-Alyno/DJWifi (Alya x Nino)
-LadyNoir (Ladybug x Cat Noir)
-MariChat(Marinette x Cat Noir)
-Ladrien (Ladybug x Adrien)
-ChloNath (Chloe x Nathaniel)
-FelBri (Felix x Bridgette)
-RoseJul (Juleka x Rose)
-AlKim (Kim x Alix)
-SabriMax (Sabrina x Bridgette)
-GabeNath (Gabriel x Nathalie)
-PenStone (Jagged x Penny)

There will also be an implied past relationship between Mrs.Couffaine and Jagged Stone briefly at one point but it will not be anything that will be worth more than that and never mentioned again after it is briefly addressed. It goes off of the theory that Juleka and Luka share some traits with Jagged Stone that they don't share with their mother. Such as Juleka's love of purple and half purple hair and Luka's unending love of music and how it is actually easier for him to communicate through music much like it is for Jagged himself without sounding rude or insensitive.

2) This story WILL DEFINITELY contain swearing because I'm an adult so if it's a problem turn away now and never look back.
Rating might be changed later on should I decide to throw in a scene that would be unsuitable to people under 18 to read.

3) I hate Lila. With a burning passion. So be warned about that.

4) Lastly, I know Felix gets a bit of hate for the episode labeled Felix, but frankly I think that his character is likely very tsundere. In which he's better at hiding his true feelings and intentions through angry words and cunning underhanded actions than actually expressing his true feelings. So he's not evil at all in this story.

Anyway, Enjoy!

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