Chapter Sixteen

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As soon as the sound hit their ears the three goons were shocked to find themselves face to face with Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Rena Rouge with Carapace sneaking by undetected into the cage and reaching Felix just in time to protect them both from bullets with his ability.

"SHELLTER!" Carapace called forth.

Scarlet Dragon held in her relief as she fought with the bastard that had caused so much strife and chaos in many lives.

"Such a puny dragon!" The man scoffed as he sent a two bullets flying at Scarlet who simply sent deflected them with her sword with a growl before slashing at him.

Ladybug done with her goon completely then entered the cage quickly and entered the shellter thanks to her being the guardian. Ladybug then looked at Felix in concern.

"Can you move?" Ladybug asked.

Felix smiled awkwardly, "Not as freely as I would like but I can."

Ladybug smiled just as awkwardly as Rena and Chat joined them having finished their fights and Carapace went and hid before he transformed back.

"Then let's get out of here real quick. Scarlet Dragon is keeping that guy out of our way."

The heroes quickly helped get Felix up and the four of them quickly moved into hiding. Once there, Rena went to join her boyfriend having used her Mirage in battle and Ladybug having used her lucky charm in combat pulled the tiger miraculous out and handed it to Chat Noir.

"You'll know what should be done with this. I have to go before I change back." Ladybug said to him before running off.

Chat Noir looked at the miraculous and held it out towards Felix surprising Felix quite a bit.

"Felix Graham De Vanily, I have known you my whole life. You were always very rough around the edges, but Bridgette has been good for you. She's changed you in the best ways and there is no one I think could better wield this for this fight than you." Chat Noir said.

Felix looked hesitant.

"Felix, this is the miraculous of the tiger, which grants the power of Invulnerability. You will use it for the greater good and return it to Ladybug or me when the fight is done." Chat said kindly.

Felix hesitated only a second more before awkwardly accepting it and putting on the bracelet. Once it was on, it camouflaged nicely and Roaar came out.

"Hello! My name is Roaar, and just like Plagg I am a kwami. I help turn you into a tiger themed superhero. Your ability is called Hunting, it seeks out your opponent's weaknesses for you to exploit. It also strengthens the damage that your weapons will cause and makes you temporarily invulnerable to anything for 5 minutes. However when the five minutes are over you transform back. To detransform any time the phrase is CHASE OVER, to transform you just say START THE CHASE!" Roaar explained, "Oh and to recharge I eat burgers or other kinds of savoury meats are acceptable. Nothing else works for me."

Felix nodded with a smile.

Then he stuck his hand out in the air and said the words.

"For Bridgette, anything! Roaar, Start The Chase!" Felix beckoned.

Roaar quickly went into the miraculous and the transformation began.
The transformation started much like Adrien's own transformation into Chat Noir but instead of black and green it was purple with tiny black stripes and of course his eyes becoming more tiger like. After the ears, instead of stretching his arms out at his sides he stretched his right arm out into the air in a fist and his left arm stretched out down towards the ground in a graceful position his hand in a fist. In his fists appeared twin truncheons that were black with purple hand-holds. From there the magic seeped down his arms as Felix put the weapons in his holsters on his back that caused for the holsters to appear in a flutter of light. The magic then moved from his to the front of his body in swirling motions covering his upper body perfectly and then tracing out his belt like tail. After that he roundhouse kicked the air causing the magic to create his suit's boots and lower body portion of said suit. With that done he ran his hands through his already messy blonde hair and ended in somewhat of a fighting stand with hands raised and feet apart, but his new claws being showed off.

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