Chapter Nine

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The next day, Bridgette had to miss school to be at the police station answering question, providing permits, and putting in the report of the incident in the alleyway.

Felix left alone was quickly approached in the morning before classes could start.

Alix congratulated him only after interrogating him as to whether he was after her money and fame. He was quick to go to the center of the courtyard, grabbing a teacher's megaphone along the way.

"Ahem!" He declared calling all attention on him.

Plagg and Tikki snickered quietly from their hiding places.
"To answer the most common question; I, Felix Graham De Vanily, am NOT interested in the slightest in Bridgette Dubost-Cheng's money nor fame! I have my own money and I particularly dislike most people so fame holds no appeal to me." Felix announced.

Adrien and Marinette gaped while Alya and Nino cracked up in absolute amusement as Felix ignored them and repeated for confirmation.

"I repeat. I, Felix Graham De Vanily, have no interest whatsoever in Bridgette Dubost-Cheng's money nor fame. I have no need for money and I particularly dislike most people so fame is completely unappealing."

With that done and everyone-- except Alya, Nino, and Alix who were laughing their butts off-- gobsmacked Felix handed the megaphone back to the gobsmacked teacher he took it from and went back to where he had been sitting peacefully reading.

No one dared to approach him with insinuating questions from there on.

After school was let out, Adrien and Marinette went to the Bakery to hang out while Felix shot a message to Bridgette and headed back to the Agreste Mansion.

He was missing Bridgette's subtle eccentricities throughout the school day, despite his best efforts not to think about her. But it was somehow impossible for him to ignore that he missed those eccentricities. He had missed her habit of procrastinating in class by doodling or songwriting in a notebook instead of actually taking notes. A quirk she no doubt developed because of her photographic memory. He also had found himself missing her correcting him when he answered a question in the classwork incorrectly with the use of a tiny paper airplane. There was also her amiable yet intense personality. It was rather wonderful to watch in action.

"You wanted to talk?" Bridgette asked as she walked into the room and lazily sat on his couch when Nathalie left them alone.

He looked at her seriously, "You said you're not fazed by kissing right?"

Bridgette was slightly surprised but nodded with a kind smile.

"Truthfully I have gone much farther than that before. Nothing as serious as an engagement or promise rings, but physically I have gone pretty far. Why do you ask?"

Felix became awkward before approaching the couch and sitting down next to her.

"I have no sodding clue how to make this fake relationship work." Felix revealed flatly.

Bridgette laughed lightly, "Just relax and play along. We don't need to kiss a lot or anything extra affectionate like that. Just on occasion act clingy to me and be sure to hold my hand whenever possible with our fingers intertwined. Paris and the rest of the world are full of idiots. If people get suspicious then naturally flow into a little peck or a short kiss or two just to placate the masses. You also should smile a bit more around me, it's why when we started this fake relationship I kept trying to make you laugh. It makes it more believable if you're relaxed around me." Bridgette answered calmly and kindly.

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