Chapter Ten

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The next day, Adrien shyly avoided Marinette with such determination and speed that even Kim and Alix were gobsmacked. While Felix was pestering Bridgette discretely with question after question regarding sexual positions, the female anatomy, and of course the menstrual cycle. Seeing as said subjects were only briefly mentioned in passing in the articles he had found. Bridgette and Marinette, to their good luck, were very patient with the boys. Bridgette more so than Marinette in Marinette's own opinion. Seeing as she was calmly answering every single question that Felix had without much reservation, while all Marinette had to put up with was Adrien suddenly avoiding her as if she has the Plague. Finally, by the time Lunch came around and Adrien took Nino and ran away from her in blinding speed, Marinette approached Bridgette and Felix at last.

"... The point is, the presence of the cycle during sex being an obstacle or not really only depends on the woman's comfort or discomfort at having sex while on her cycle." Marinette caught the tail end of Bridgette's answer to a question from Felix.

"I see... That makes a lot of sense now." Felix answered with a pensive expression as he processed the new information.

"Felix? Bridgette?" Marinette greeted.

"Hello." Felix greeted amiably enough.

"Hey Sweets. What's up?" Bridgette greeted warmly but relaxedly.

Marinette sighed tiredly, "Adrien usually never really notices me much, but now he's outright avoiding me as if I have the plague. I was wondering if you guys have any clue as to why and how I can fix it... It's getting pretty ridiculous."

Bridgette looked away from Marinette to avoid cracking up while Felix openly laughed in amusement.

"He is such a dork!" Felix said amusedly before answering Marinette's question calmly.

"He researched sex with me yesterday afternoon once he got home. Uncle is really strict in his views of sex being wrong and shameful or something like that, so I was researching the topic seeing as when my mother was alive I never sat down and talked with her about it. When Adrien found out my reason, he remembered that he hadn't gotten a talk or any education about sex to begin with and decided to try and research with me."

Marinette was gobsmacked and Bridgette tried valiantly once more to not laugh.

"Why is he avoiding me because of research on sex?" Marinette asked in confusion.

Felix and Bridgette glanced at each other before simply shaking their heads at her.

"It's not my place to say if I knew for certain, and I truthfully have not a single clue as to why he's being such a dorky idiot around you." Felix answered truthfully but flatly for himself.

Bridgette smiled awkwardly, "I don't have a clue either, but maybe just give him space for a little while so he can work through whatever is on his mind. Besides, you have your own problems to deal with remember?"

Marinette groaned in annoyance as she remembered.

"Ugh! Don't remind me!"

Bridgette rolled her eyes good naturedly, "I wouldn't be a good cousin if I didn't remind you. Besides, you can't avoid it. You have to deal with it. All of it."

Felix was confused, "What does she have to deal with, if I can ask?"

Marinette pouted as she answered, "Aside from my enormous crush on Adrien, I also kinda like this boy named Luka-- Juleka's Brother-- and there's also the fact that I also kinda like Chat Noir to boot."

Felix was internally screaming and laughing all at once.

Bridgette simply rolled her eyes good naturedly, "Honestly, at the rate you're going even Kagami will have a crush on you. You're just too sweet, Sweets."

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