Chapter Fourteen

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Bridgette held back a sigh as Jackson kept annoying her.

"You could've spared that spoiled rich boy if you had just gotten back together with me to begin with."

The lawyer groaned and looked almost as Miserable as Bridgette felt.


"For the last time, Jackson! Shut the hell up!" Bridgette said annoyedly.

Jackson went to speak again and this time Bridgette cut him off with a quick verse of song.

"I'm over you and I don't need your lies no more
'Cause the truth is without you, boy, I'm stronger
And I know, you said that I changed with my cold heart
But it was your game that left scars
Ooh, I'm over you"

Jackson was left floored and the lawyer and Lieutenant Roger were amused and gestured her to sing some more.

Bridgette happily obliged still glaring death at Jackson.

"'Cause I'm here looking fine, babe
And I got eyes looking my way
And everybody's on my vibe, babe
Na, na, na, na, don't call me up
My friends said you were a bad man
I should have listened to them back then
And now you're tryna hit me up again
Na, na, na, na"

The lieutenant and lawyer laughed as Jackson grumbled but shut up. The Lieutenant then entered the cell, handcuffed her, and led both Bridgette and the lawyer to an interrogation room. Once seated the lawyer did his thing.

"My client has nothing to hide, and has therefore agreed to cooperate but let it be known for the record that she will not stand for being blindly accused of anything that she has not done and will therefore stop cooperating should such a thing happen and keep her silence."

Roger agreed, "Look, Bridgette, I have heard only good things about you from my daughter Sabrina and various of my collegues. If it were up to me I wouldn't be the one interrogating you. But we still need your side of the story for the case against Jackson and we need to know everything you know about Felix's kidnapping."

Bridgette looked at him calmly, "I've been trying to help, Lieutenant Roger. But the police has not been making it easy for me. I don't know much about the people who kidnapped Felix. I only know what Felix told me about the people that were chasing after him and their connection to the murders of his parents. I know that Jackson helped those bastards get their hands on Felix, my boyfriend. My boyfriend that I love. But outside of that I don't know anything else, I never even wanted to do that damned interview, I wanted to spend the day with Felix playing video games with him and each of us relaxing working on my music and him on his family business. Or even just our daily training regiment. But the damn paparazzi started a bad rumor about me and I needed to deal with it. Never got to in the end as you can see."

Roger looked at her tensely, "So you didn't have any interest in his money due to yours being missing?"

Bridgette glowered and stopped the lawyer from intervening just this once.

"Look, Lieutenant, if I may be frank with you?" She began pausing to get his feedback, he nodded and she continued, "Even if I had known my money was all gone from my accounts, which I didn't until shortly before you went to get my testimony and interrogate me the first time at the Agreste Mansion with everyone else, I still wouldn't have cared about the damn money at all. I no longer go to Angelwood, and I live with a loving family comprised of the best Bakers in Paris and a so far very successful aspiring fashion designer. I go to school with said Fashion Designer at Francois Dupont under a full ride VPA scholarship much like my cousin does. I am well taken care of and have never wanted for a single material thing in my short life, not even now. Felix's could have not even a penny to his name and I still would love him like I love him now. His heart is what won my heart, nothing else. He could have been hideous, homeless, bankrupt and any other problem considered unattractive and I would still love him as much as I do now. His Uncle and I even had a fall out when we first met because the man had the audacity to outright insinuate that I was a gold digger, and I had just proved to him at the time that I was capable of protecting that lovable grouch. I immediately walked off taking my cousin with me then and and there after clarifying for him that I could care less about money or material things and outright explaining that I would not protect someone who was part of a family that would insinuate me and my family to be scummy gold-diggers. Besides, I would never ask Felix for money or look at his money because I can always make more. I'm a successful musician and I make plenty of money just from writing music for TFA."

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