Chapter Two

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Adrien looked at his cousin in surprise as the boy laughed and sat down at his new computer happily.

"Staring at me won't dampen my amusement at your friend's cousin." Felix said coolly as he began working on something on his computer.

"What are you doing? Also, how was it amusing for Marinette's cousin to publicly attack Lila like that? I mean, I found it well done and well deserved but that's only going to lead to another akuma possibly or more trouble than it's worth." Adrien answered.

Felix just scoffed as he gazed at something on his screen in amusement before beckoning his cousin to take a look.

When Adrien took a look, he saw a pricture of what was undoubtedly Bridgette in a stunning outfit and a wig and sunglasses on a big stage using a microphone in her hand and pointing towards the sky. Around Bridgette were three girls, all holding microphones. Behind the four girls were some strong looking back up dancers.

"Is that... Bridgette?" Adrien muttered in confusion.

Felix smirked knowingly.

"That, dear cousin is Bridgette aka Starlight. Starlight is the lead vocalist in a very popular musical group called The Fallen Angels. TFA for short. They have won some awards for their work and have consistently reached the number one spot in the charts in America for the last year. Starlight however recently declared that she was going on Hiatus, but the group would continue on without her with Moon taking over as lead vocalist. I had felt the name and Bridgette's face were familiar but couldn't place it." Felix answered calmly.

Adrien raised an eyebrow, "How do you know all of that?"
Felix sighed with a tiny bit of annoyance.

"My Mother was an avid fan of TFA. Had a lot of memorabilia and even took me with her to a concert last year when she grounded me and wanted to keep a watchful eye on me without missing the concert. She filled my head with tons of information about them and would often gush about Starlight's posters."
Adrien while surprised gazed at him as if to say to carry on.

"This Lila girl was about to lie to Starlight herself about Starlight something likely slanderous. If anyone else were to connect the dots about Starlight and Bridgette being one and the same at that school, this Lila girl's likely innumerable lies would all be unraveled in seconds. I'm only surprised that Bridgette didn't reveal herself just to expose the liar." Felix said amusedly.

The two were quickly distracted by homework and didn't discuss the matter further.

Bridgette simply ignored her cousin's pouting as they headed to go hang out with Kagami and Luka.

"Bridgette! Why did you call her out like that?! Now she's going to make your life miserable!" Marinette whined exasperatedly at Bridgette.

Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"She was about to slander my best friend right in front of me. I would never let that slide. Besides, she's clearly been slandering Jagged Stone, Clara, and all of TFA. Having met and befriended all of them I have no intention of letting their names be slandered." Bridgette said calmly just as they reached the house boat.

Marinette pouted for a second longer before relenting.

The girl was quickly introduced properly to Luka, Juleka, and Kagami. Bridgette could see why her cousin both loved and hated Kagami. Kagami and Bridgette were pretty similar and quickly hit it off. Luka was also very likeable, he was cute and kind and they had a lot of the same time. Juleka was someone that Bridgette was a bit iffy about as she had seen the girl being swayed by lies during science. As they hung out eventually the three teens learned that Bridgette lived with Marinette.

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