Chapter Three

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Bridgette quickly stored away her phone and promptly distracted everyone by offering them all a chance to ask one intrusive question each.

The questions thankfully were easy enough to answer and soon Marinette and Bridgette were about to enter the bakery when they saw Lila accosting one Felix Graham De Vanily. Marinette was too surprised to react but Bridgette quickly yanked the italian girl off of Felix boredly. When Lila went to glower at the intruder she almost fainted and peed her pants at the sight of a fully lethally glaring Bridgette. The most frightning thing about her expression being her sweet small smile adorning her face. At that moment was when Adrien had finally found Felix after having chased him out of the mansion, so Adrien was currently next to Marinette watching in absolute shock. Felix himself was shocked because he briefly had felt the full weight of Lila and he knew she wasn't light per se when Bridgette effortlessly yanked the brat off.

"Please refrain from causing a scene in front of the bakery in the future, okay? Next time I'll have no choice but to inform my aunt and uncle so that they can properly ban you from the premises." Bridgette said coolly but sweetly.

Adrien and Marinette shivered in slight intimidation at the tone while Lila and Felix gulped.

Lila quickly nodded her agreement and left.
Felix went to speak to Bridgette but was floored when she glared coldly at him. She then spoke to him coolly enough that her message was clear.

"I have no damn clue how you found out, and I don't give a damn. Just keep your damn mouth shut about it. Also, don't bring your problems to my home. I'll protect you but only as long as you protect my secret." Bridgette said before going inside.

Adrien went to check on Felix to find him blushing lightly and spluttering.

Marinette went after Bridgette.

But when Marinette reached her cousin's room she found Bridgette listening to her music and working on homework. Bridgette had never been talkative about certain topics of her life. Particularly the night her parents died and all of her family's belongings burned down to the ground with her old house. Marinette always let it be because Bridgette clearly didn't want to confront the topic with anyone. She had been sent to therapy sessions when she first joined their little family of three. But she would never talk about that night with the therapist. She adjusted well enough to the change and she never showed any problems with anything because of what had happened. Bridgette never talked much about her adventures in America either. Marinette always figured that she just didn't want any fussing but it was apparently a sensitive subject right now.

"Staring at me isn't going to answer your questions, Mari." Bridgette said calmly as she worked on homework.

Marinette blinked before smiling sheepishly.

" was that about with Felix?" Marinette answered hesitantly.

Bridgette sighed but answered awkwardly.

"He figured out that I'm Starlight from The Fallen Angels." Bridgette answered after a calming breath.

Marinette was confused, "What's so bad about that? You're an awesome singer, Bridgette."

Bridgette gave her a half-smile, "It's not bad because of my skill as a singer or lack thereof. It's that people always try to use me and my singing for their own reasons for their own gain. I hate that, I've never cared for the fame either. I just wanted to sing and for people to enjoy my music. Now that I don't really have the same passion and drive for music that I used to I just wanted to step away from everything to do with my musical achievements and my career in music." Bridgette revealed calmly.

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