Chapter Seventeen

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Bridgette sighed softly and tiredly as she was finally left alone to rest.

Resting was not easy for her, not often.

She had always been restless yet sleepy since she could remember. She just hid it very well. Most nights she slept perhaps a good four or five hours of fitful sleep and perhaps a couple minutes here and there of somewhat restful sleep. It had never made sense to Bridgette how some people could so easily complain about lacking sleep when they got only perhaps an hour short of 10 or more hours of sleep one night. She craved sleep a lot at this point in her life, but for some reason times that Felix has tired her out physically not withstanding she can't sleep well for more than an average total of an hour throughout intervals during the night.

"Bridgette?" A male voice whispered to her from the bed next to her.

Bridgette turned her head to see a drowsy Felix smiling at her.

"Yeah, Felix?" She responded just as quietly.

"Come over here." He said patting the space he had opened up next to him.

The effect Felix had on her was unexpected, but just sleeping beside him was enough for her to sleep a bit better than she usually did. So Bridgette smiled happily and nodded carefully getting up from the reclining chair she was allowed to use to spend the night in the hospital with him and then she headed to lay down next to him carefully. When she was done he hugged her from behind carefully and she started feeling drowsy.

"I love you, Bridge." Felix said drowsily.

Bridgette smiled, "I love you too, Felix."

| Three Months Later |

Felix shifted his weight anxiously as he stood outside the door to Bridgette's bedroom.

Their second year of high school was going to end in just one month, and they have been in a real relationship for three months now. Fake dating for months before his kidnapping and their confessions. A good two weeks in the hospital had been enough for them to recover enough to go home and the rest of the last three months have been the best three months of his life. Hopefully the best of hers too. Now he was ready to ask something he had never once thought he would ever do.

He was going to give her a ring.

Don't get ahead of yourselves! You nasties... He was going to offer her a promise ring.
Engagement ring could wait until they were older and ready for such a thing. The reason he decided on a promise ring now was that they were already closer than they had either expected and their feelings had only been growing since they met. He could feel they were right for each other, and that was enough for him. He hoped that was enough for her to accept the money he put into this, despite her always rejecting his interest in buying her and spending a lot of money on expensive things or gestures.
He was especially proud of what he planned for today and had even gotten permission from Gabriel Agreste, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Adrien Agreste, and even Marinette Dupain-Cheng to do this.

So he knocked.

It took a minute or two but the door opened to reveal Bridgette looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her.

"Felix?" Bridgette said in slight surprise, shifting her shorter strands out of her face before letting him in, "What are you doing here?"

Felix smiled and gently grabbed her hand tugging her away from her bedroom gently.

She smiled in slight confusion, "Felix?"

He smiled at her, "I came to get you for a surprise date, is that bad?"

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