Chapter Six

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Bridgette and Felix were surprised to find a burly man dressed like a robber standing infront of them with a gun in each hand. Quickly before the guy could blink Bridgette leapt forward and landed a strong enough barrage of three consecutive punches to temporarily daze the man.

Quickly, she grabbed Felix into her arms Bridal Style and ran through the alley out onto the street towards the trocadero which was sure to be vacated.

The goon on her trail she didn't hesitate to start creating obstacles to slow the man down. She spared a glance at the screaming Felix.

"Could you stop screaming?! You're making it more difficult to lose him!" Bridgette scolded in a growl as she skillfully climbed onto a roof with one hand as she carried Felix on one of her shoulders with her other hand securing the boy.

Once on the roof she took them across several of them until they reached a dead end.
Quickly the man approached as Bridgette searched for a way across and Felix panicked. That was when she saw the clothes line leading onto a lower rooftop and a thin metal pipe.

She turned to Felix and grabbed his hand.

"Do you trust me?" Bridgette asked.

Felix glanced in the direction of the enemy and then quickly nodded at her.

"Yes?" He answered.

She smiled, "Good! Hang on tight!"

He promptly freaked out as she brought his arms and legs around her neck and waist and grabbed a metal pipe off the ground.

"WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Felix freaked as she bent the pipe and climbed onto the edge of the roof right below the clothesline.

Bridgette smirked amusedly, "COWABUNGA!"

Felix screamed as she lurched them forward in the improvised zip line and held onto her tightly.


Bridgette laughed and the moment they landed cut the clothes line so the man couldn't get to them.

She then turned to him and looked at him firmly.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears."


"Just DO IT!"

Felix did as asked sensing urgency in her voice and Bridgette pulled out her hidden gun. She then aimed at the knee of the burly man and fired with precision.
When the shot landed, the man screamed and fell down.
She grabbed the now stunned Felix and pulled him away towards the entrance leading into the building they were in. Quickly they started running down the staircase.

"Okay! What in the world was that?!" Felix questioned in shock.

"I shot at one of his kneecaps to stop him from being able to follow us effectively. He'll need medical care, so the police will be able to catch him easier. The sooner he's caught, the better the chance that we can figure out who hired him."
Felix was shocked as Bridgette pulled out her cellphone and called the police.

When the call was done, Felix laughed as she finally stopped to catch her breath.

"That... That was insane." Felix commented tiredly.

Bridgette laughed lightly, "Maybe."

Suddenly in-front of them were Ladybug and Chat Noir looking very worried.

"Are you two alright?" Ladybug asked.

Bridgette and Felix smiled.

"Yes, Ladybug. We're just a bit tired is all. We'll be fine once we get back to our homes and take it easy." Felix assured.

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