Chapter Eight

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As the footsteps started growing closer and Bridgette's hold of the gun grew tighter, the remaining three teens all tensed and tried their best to control their breathing. Marinette looked at her cousin in question.

Bridgette looked tensely back at her and signaled to find a way to get out of this alley other than the only normal exit.

Marinette nodded and both her and Adrien started looking for an exit.

Felix? Well, Felix was left with no other choice than to follow Bridgette's lead much like last time.

Bridgette carefully looked towards the exit of the alley to see three burly figures gather at the entryway of the alley.

"Where did they go?" Asked one of the men.

"I could have sworn I saw those brats go into this alley!" The ringleader growled in annoyance.

"Why are we even going after two brats when we could be putting our skills to use catching us some big timers?" The third man asked boredly.

Bridgette silently signaled Marinette and Adrien to silently lead the way out.

"Because, you dumbass, one of those brats is this big shot musician that one of our current employers wants back and the other is the only living bloodline owner to this huge fortune that our other current employer wants out of the picture. They're willing to pay great money to us to get those two brats sorted out." The ringleader explained annoyedly.

Once Felix was up with Marinette and Adrien on a shadowed out rooftop and hidden behind an air conditioning unit, Bridgette shot each of the men in the knees and and took off out of the alley skillfully avoiding capture. Once she was far from their reach she stopped recording on her cousin's phone that she had pocketed and she quickly lost the men and went to gather up with her cousin and the boys.

When she reached them she breathed heavily as she put her gun safely away.

She then handed Marinette her phone back with a grateful smile.

"Send that recording to me?" Bridgette asked.

Marinette beamed and agreed. When the teens finally made it near the bakery, Felix pulled Bridgette aside awkwardly.

"How are you so..." He began before trailing off and turning to leave.

Bridgette smiled, "Unbothered by that kiss during school hours?"

Felix stopped in his tracks and Bridgette answered his unasked question.

"It wasn't my first or my last, so probably I just am desensitized to stuff like kissing and all that other romantic stuff. It's never been my thing either. But to be honest with you, it's not like I didn't like kissing you." Bridgette answered.

Felix was shocked but soon schooled himself as she led the way into the bakery. The two boys soon leaving with the Gorilla and Nathalie to go back home.

Late that night, Tikki finally went to approach Bridgette only to find the teenage girl wide awake playing her guitar with her headphones keeping the sound from waking anyone and occasionally writing words into a large notebook. Bridgette was smiling happily even as her eyes held a bit of pain in them.

Bridgette then smiled brightly at her, pausing her work.

"Watching me from afar won't really answer any questions or suspicions you might be having, little Sweet Tooth." Bridgette greeted kindly but quietly.

Tikki smiled wisely as she approached the teenager happily and sat down on the girl's bed in front of said girl.

"So you did see me?" Tikki asked sweetly.

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