Chapter Twelve

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Gabriel solemnly picked up the note and read it.

"We have the Graham De Vanily brat. Hand over the entirety of the Graham De Vanily fortune in the next three days or we WILL take action against him." Gabriel read out.

Both Gabriel and Adrien steamed as Nathalie quickly called the police.

When Jackson was no longer dazed from the hit, Bridgette pinned him against the wall and with a glare that could kill questioned him clearly.
"Where is he?" Bridgette asked him.

Jackson laughed, "Hell if I know! All I had to do was tell this anonymous caller where he was often seen when he wasn't around you."

Bridgette growled and punched him in the face enough to knock him out before cleaning her hand on his shirt of his blood.

"Go to hell, you psychopath." Bridgette grumbled taking deep calming breaths.
Nadja quickly approached Bridgette shocking realization into Bridgette.

"Bridgette is everything you two talked about true?"
Bridgette sighed and grabbed her wallet from the nearby guest chair and her phone before answering.
"It is, but I'm sorry Nadja. I'm going to have to cut this short. I have some stuff I have to deal with immediately as you can imagine." Bridgette answered with an apologetic but kind smile.

Nadja quickly accepted the response as Bridgette ran off out of the studio.
She had to find Felix.

As she stood in the Agreste Mansion with Marinette, Gabriel, Nathalie, Sabine, Tom, and Arthur, she paced back and forth as she waited for someone to answer her call.

"Jessica? Did you see the interview?" Bridgette commented into the phone coolly.

On the other line Jessica bristled still, "Yeah, that sick bastard! What's the situation?"

Bridgette sighed, "Felix has been kidnapped. The kidnappers left a note demanding Felix's family fortune and Lieutenant Roger of the Police is on his way here to get testimonies and interrogate each of us, i'm likely the prime suspect in his head right now too. So I need you to help me out and contact Mason and Wendy's brothers. See if they're still in London and France and ask them to call my cousin Marinette in a couple of hours."

Jessica sighed but nodded, "You're likely going to be arrested, huh?"

Bridgette sighed, "Most likely, the police will likely have me as a prime suspect as it is because I'm his girlfriend and was from a poor background. Not to mention I checked my accounts on the way here, the bastards planned to have me framed. All my money disappeared from my accounts without a trace. No transactions, withdraws, or deposits."

Bridgette sighed again as she pointedly ignored the crying of her family and Adrien and the worried looks of the other three adults around her.

"I never needed to touch that money since coming to France so I never realized my accounts were drained out until I checked them today. They likely planted evidence in my room somehow too. But Felix is in danger and since I'm going to be arrested, I need people to locate Felix and from there we can coordinate a way for Felix to be rescued." Bridgette finished.

Jessica quickly agreed, "Just forward me Marinette contact info and we'll all figure things out. Meanwhile find a lawyer for yourself and prepare yourself for what's coming your way.

Bridgette sighed, "Will do."

The two quickly ended the call, and Bridgette quickly forwarded Marinette's contact to Jessica and turned to the others present. Primarily Adrien and Gabriel.

"I know this situation is not pleasant, particularly for you two, but we have to keep calm and focused. My friend Jessica will help with finding Felix and rescuing him. I would myself, but I won't be able to as evidence is likely already stacked against me. Jessica's brother Mason and Wendy's brothers Winston and Peter are amazing at this sort of thing. Mason is an excellent freelance spy over in London, Winston is an amazing Hacker and an excellent fighter, ex military. Peter is here in France last I heard and he was part of the Military, a high ranking soldier last I heard. Peter and his best friends each owe me a favor and they will be able to help with rescuing Felix. My friends will likely help as well, Jessica is as gifted in health sciences and fighting as she is at the bass guitar. Wendy is almost as skilled as I am in MMA, Judo, and Karate and is great with weaponry much like her brothers. Cassidy is a very gifted Fencer and she's excellent with any kind of sword or blade. They were in London right now which is why I called them. They should be able to help pull a rescue off."

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