Chapter Five

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Suddenly, Bridgette's coffee was all on her head and face courtesy of Lila's rage.
Lila immediately grimaced as she realized she had messed up.

"Somebody get me a security officer and the footage from the day of the stairs fall incident!" Damocles called into his phone after calling the administration office.

Bridgette was unimpressed by the coffee as she calmly picked up the empty cup and threw it in the trash can. When the cup was dealt with, Bridgette calmly took off her jacket and shirt to reveal a cropped tank top that was still nice and clean. She followed that by removing the sweat pants to reveal mid-thigh length skintight black shorts. Then she released her twin tails from their bands and stored away the messy clothes in her bag.

"I always try to be prepared for any situation." Bridgette revealed.

Everyone except Lila smiled in relief at her words.

Having missed the first two classes, nobody expected to see Bridgette coming to class with a note from Damocles and a fresh cup of coffee in her free hand. Nevertheless see her come in dressed in a cropped tank top and mid-thigh length black shorts on. Hair coated in coffee and face with coffee stains on her cheeks and forehead.
After class, Marinette worriedly approached her cousin only to stop short when she saw Felix irritably drag Bridgette to his seat where he promptly pulled out a towel, wet it in the sink as it was the science classroom they were in, and quickly begin running her dirtied hair through the wet towel.

"What in the world happened to you?! Why are you dressed like that?! You look ridiculous!" Felix grumbled.

Bridgette was surprised but just awkwardly let him clean her hair and face.

"Lila spilled my last coffee on me is all. This was what I had underneath since I was planning on practicing after school today and this is easier to move in. I was just going to go home during Lunch and clean myself off then." Bridgette revealed.

Felix grumbled about it being stupid and put the towel harshly away in his bag when he was done cleaning her hair and face.

"Whatever! Now will you speak to me now or are you still going to shun me?" Felix bit back.

Bridgette raised a brow but calmly answered, "I'm still pretty steamed about your constant calls yesterday late into the night, but I'll talk to you during lunch. I still have some stuff to do between classes. We can talk at my place, Adrien and Marinette can come with to make sure we don't kill each other." Bridgette said calmly before going back to her seat and pulling her phone into her hand.

Soon she was out of the classroom with her phone to her ear talking on the phone.
Marinette chased her cousin out of the classroom in surprise and Adrien was left to watch his cousin as Felix struggled to try to surpress a light dusting of his cheeks.

Bridgette was blushing as she put her phone away.

She was still in disbelief of what had happened. Felix, someone she had quickly determined was grouchy and aloof as hell had just fussed over her hair and face because she had coffee on them. He had grumbled but he had been fast to pull her towards his bag and then the sink of the classroom to wet a towel he had in his bag to clean off her hair and face. A lot of people have fussed over her before, it wasn't something she was uncomfortable with. But having a clearly emotionally closed off boy like Felix fuss like that over her... It was surprising and it made her heartbeat jump.

It was... new.

The boy is attractive, but his lack of caring made it easy to ignore that and his pretty eyes. Him showing that much care over her, even if only her appearance was something that scared her just as much as it excited her. It's not like she had some traumatic romantic past. She had had several boyfriends, and while most hadn't been serious, only one really hurt her heart. It hadn't been difficult to move past it either, her forgiving nature had helped as well as her own instincts. But it had still hurt plenty and she never wants to hurt like that. She just didn't want to deal with the pain, just the thought of working through that kind of pain was annoying. Even if that pain had inspired a few of her songs on the Perfect Lies Album of The Fallen Angels.

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