Chapter Eleven

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This chapter will contain content inappropriate for readers under 13. AKA IMPLICATIONS GALORE! If you wish to skip it I will mark when it starts and when it ends.


Bridgette looked into his eyes and she realized the answer to her question almost immediately.

"You overheard me, huh?" She asked softly.

Hesitantly he nodded in awkward confirmation.

Bridgette smiled assuringly but bittersweetly, "Truthfully, I'm just not ready for a proper relationship just yet. I guess my trust in others hasn't healed that well yet since my last relationship."

Felix looked like he wanted to ask, but he didn't and she smiled assuringly at him.

"My last boyfriend was... toxic... our relationship wasn't easy. He would insult me when we were alone but act like the best boyfriend in the world in front of everyone. He would often make me question if I was being overconfident about myself. I couldn't even break up with him for some months because he was a very powerful guy in the world. I didn't end things until he tried to hit me for the first time. I managed to stop the hit thanks to my reflexes but it was clear to me that he would try again. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with much less date, I always have known, but he always commented on that saying that I would never find someone that would put up with me like him..." Bridgette explained calmly and softly.

Felix gazed at her in surprise, he hadn't been expecting any of what she just explained.

"Needless to say, when things ended, they didn't end well. My friends and I had to have extra security for months and the original music we had planned for one of our albums was stolen. The guy made all these scandals about me and I had to do so many interviews that I can't stand. It took almost the same amount of time that I dated him for me to be able to heal my reputation and not have to do anymore interviews." Bridgette finished off.

She looked at him with a kind smile, "It's not that I don't like you in that way, I'm pretty sure that I like you in the romantic sense too. But I'm just not ready for that kind of relationship just yet. I had barely managed to deal with the aftermath of my last relationship literally a month before I came to Paris."

Felix nodded in understanding.

After a moment of silence she closed the curtains of his bedroom windows and approached him with a kind smile that always made his heart race.

"I need time before I can delve into anything outside of sex with you, but for now, if you still want me..."

Felix smirked back in confirmation at her as he approached her and gently brought her into his arms. She brought her arms around his neck and soon the two leaned in for a kiss.


It was nothing fancy to start with, innocent but sweet.
But from there their lips met in another kiss, longer and deeper. As their kiss turned into another her hands went into his hair gently tugging him closer just as his hands reached her ass and squeezed on her flesh from above the fabric of her shorts and tugged her closer to him gently. They both willingly complied as she nimbly brought herself to have her legs snuggly wrapped around his waist while held her up skillfully. As he started working their way to his bed in their kissing, she kissed down his jaw and after untying his tie down his neck to his collarbone where she gave him a very gentle nip that sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. He didn't hesitate after that to gently lower her onto the bed and begin kissing down her neck as she untucked his shirt gently and slowly, purposefully tracing whatever hidden skin she could reach.
Soon their shirts were leaving their bodies and they lost themselves in their actions.

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