Chapter One

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Bridgette yawned tiredly as she stopped walking to search for her family in the arrival gate.

Eventually she spotted them and happily went to them.

"Bridgette!" Marinette beamed excitedly as she hugged the tired girl.

The two truly looked a lot alike. With the exceptions now of Bridgette's piercings bolder lip gloss color and of course the length and style of her hair. While Marinette kept hers fairly short and in twin tails that hung low, Bridgette wore her mid-back length hair mostly loose with two high hanging twin tails. While Marinette wore a light pink lip gloss, Bridgette's was a real-blood red. Marinette had no piercings other than her ears, but Bridgette wore a nose stud, a belly button ring, and of course a cartilage piercing in each ear. Her jewelry was beautiful too for those piercings.

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Bridgette smiled brightly and returned the hug.

"Marinette! I've missed you!" Bridgette greeted cheerfully.

Marinette laughed lightly with her and soon the family of four was headed back to the bakery where Bridgette was given several pastries and traded a lot of stories before going to sleep in her room with Marinette.

If Bridgette noticed a certain red floating creature talking to Marinette at one point, she didn't mention a thing.

| Monday |

Marinette held back a laugh as everyone in her class looked at her tired cousin in shock.
Bridgette was clearly still pretty exhausted from her journey, currently hanging onto a cup of coffee as if it was her life force. Her hair was in it's usual style but her outfit was a huge contrast from Marinette's as expected from Marinette herself. Bridgette wore a skin tight black top that had gold graffiti reading 'Music Is Life' and a black leather jacket. Her current choker had a black leather band with her crescent moon charm on it. Her bottoms consisted of black leather skinny jeans that accentuated her curves and figure beautifully. Lastly on her feet were simple black high-top sneakers that were black and white.

However everyone's attention was called to the front as Marinette sat down and Ms. Bustier called for their attention as Bridgette stood next to Felix.

 Bustier called for their attention as Bridgette stood next to Felix

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