Chapter Four

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Bridgette sighed in slight annoyance as Marinette continued to look at her expectantly.

They were in Marinette's room working on their own creative pursuits.

"Once again, Mari, staring at me won't do anything to answer your questions." Bridgette said flatly.

Marinette sighed.

"Why did you act like that with Gabriel Agreste? That was completely over the top. Even if he did deserve it..." Marinette questioned.

Bridgette looked at her flatly.

"Look, Marinette. He insinuated that I wanted to date his nephew for his money as the only remaining Graham De Vanily. It was also subtly implied in his tone that he was questioning if your interest in Adrien Agreste is only in the Agreste money. I could care less what anybody insinuates or thinks about me, but implying anything about you or Auntie Sabine and Uncle Tom? That's crossing a line. I don't let ANYONE talk like that about you. I certainly won't get involved in any way with a member of a person like that's family because they are likely to be just as twisted if not more so." Bridgette clarified.

Marinette kind of understood that sentiment, so she relented and both pointedly ignored Bridgette's phone sounding off notification after notification. Most of which likely from Felix. That is until her phone rang for the first time with a call from Felix himself. Bridgette obviously ignored the call and pointedly ignored all the following Felix Calls for the rest of the day. Eventually speaking on the phone once with Penny and Jagged Stone about Lila's lies.
Soon they were off to sleep and Bridgette turned her phone off.

Well, she had to.

Felix was persistently calling her and by the time it was 2am and Bridgette's phone rang with a call from Felix, Bridgette deemed it necessary to turn the device off until morning. Soon slinking into Marinette's room with a pillow in hand and a blanket and curling up on the girl's chaise to sleep. She did need to wake up to an alarm in the morning for school and her cousin had plenty of those set up on her phone.

Marinette startled a bit when she was shaken awake by an irritated Bridgette.

"Wake the fuck up, Mari! We need to get ready for school!" Bridgette declared.

Marinette groaned tiredly but sat up.

"What time is it?" Marinette asked groggily.

Bridgette's phone rang and she promptly rejected the call as a message came into her phone.

"We have 30 minutes before we have to be in school, and I need about four cups of coffee before we go to function." Bridgette grumbled as she sluggishly walked out to go to her room and get ready for school.

"Is she okay?" Marinette asked Tikki.

Tikki sighed softly and sadly, "I'm not sure, she just came up here around two in the morning with a blanket and a pillow and curled up on your chaise. I'm guessing Felix must have kept calling up until then at the least." Tikki revealed.

Marinette was surprised but simply got up and got ready for school. Her cousin definitely needed a lot of coffee before heading out and she hated being late.

At school, Marinette quickly cut Felix off as he went to go find Bridgette who had gone straight inside to speak with Principal Damocles who had quickly asked to speak with her and Lila in private.

"Leave her alone right now, Felix." Marinette said flatly and firmly.

Both Adrien and Felix were surprised.

"I need to talk to her and she keeps ignoring my calls and messages. When else am I supposed to speak to her?" Felix asked flatly.

Marinette scowled and growled at Felix.

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